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Everything posted by yoBdaBenO

  1. Like Law Enforcement, Tow Truck Drivers and others. Truckers want to go home to their families as well, they don't need to get in the middle of something just doing their job. Hope the Main Stream Media runs with this story. Can't wait to see how they bend it to the Truckers being Racist or something. Bet they think all truckers are one color. I'm told Truckers don't exactly look like they did back in the 70's. I wouldn't know.
  2. Found this while looking for an image for another topic. Why do we overlook the men that get their lives on track and instead focus on those that continue down a path of disaster? We have a mechanic that was on the wrong path 10 years ago. Dad offered him a job when no one else would, 10 years he's been clean and sober. Dad just ran one of the guys old friends off the other day. Told him when he hired him if he ever hug around those guys again he'd have to let him go and he meant it. I was taught there are choices in life and even though someone makes bad choices that doesn't mean they cannot change paths and make good ones. It only takes someone that care enough to shoe them the path and give them a reason to stay on it. Just thought this was worth sharing, hope you do as well. If you're a felon, finding a steady job can be a challenge. It might take a leap of faith for an employer to give an ex-con a second chance. George Medley knows what it's like to be fresh out of prison and in search of work. Now that he runs Denver Scrap Metal Recycle Center, he makes it a priority to hire those in search of redemption.
  3. Were you a part of Tow411, I was just a lurker back then. I joined after the change, works for me though I only get in here 2 or 3 times a week. ENJOY, lots more going on now then a few months ago, watch it grow...
  4. Even though my head swivels I know that it can happen so FAST. Always have an Exit Plan and Pray! Thought's a More Prayers to the Family, Friends and Co-Workers
  5. Wow, I know someone that can open the roadway up. Maybe we need more Down Under Rigs to Open the Roadways Up.
  6. A father said to his son: You graduated with honors, here is a car that I acquired many years ago ... it is several years old. But before I give it to you, take it to the used car lot downtown and tell them I want to sell it and see how much they offer you. The son went to the used car lot, returned to his father and said, "They offered me $ 1,000 because it looks very worn out." The father said, "Take him to the pawn shop." The son went to the pawn shop, returned to his father and said, "The pawn shop offered $ 100 because it was a very old car." The father asked his son to go to a car club and show them the car. The son took the car to the club, returned and told his father: “Some people in the club offered $ 100,000 for it, since it is a Nissan Skyline R34, iconic car and sought after by many. The father said to his son, "I wanted you to know that the right place values you the right way." ... If you are not valued, do not be angry, it means that you are in the wrong place. Those who know your value are those who appreciate you, and never stay in a place where no one sees your value
  7. I have been told those multi use tow eyes will damage the threads and render them useless. A local tow company pull the whole attachment off the car using the steck device. Never heard how expensive that was or exactly how it happened. Driver said he was using skates to get a car on the bed when it broke loose. If the bumper had not soften the release he said it may have hit him as it was hooked on the passenger side and he was winching on the drivers side. So, I can see that...
  8. It's on the To Do List, waiting for the dates as the country opens up. Worried that once the violence runs its course, corona will return and normal may never return. But we will attend one of these at some point in the future. Hopefully in mass, I want to see the Big Wheel Operation in person and hear how it has grown over the years. I'm still trying to keep dad onboard with this 25 ton purchase.
  9. It could be a Driver, a Dispatcher, A Mechanic etc. How long do you attempt to work on them in hopes of turning them around? At what point has it been too long and is there a dollar on productivity, damages or both that make the decision to send them on their way progress. Is it always dealt with in the same manner and do you consider that manner to be professional or just "You're Fired". Sometimes, we have found that it's just the drama and mental stress. The employee is actually a very good in all other regards. They just can't seem to leave the drama at home and even that they can't control. We have that, gave this guy a chance and the drama at home is effecting others at the shop. He's out on his own and the work is great. I fear the home issue is going to escalate as we have had to work with him. Again, when is enough, enough?
  10. Scott, Click on your Screen Name then Click on Edit Profile. This new message board is far better then the old one. However, with any change there is a learning curve. We changed our software provider last year and think mom is still trying to figure it out. Our dispatcher caught on right away. Now, I think that many are finding business is returning faster then they had anticipated as the weather warms and Americans just want to get on with life. Even, if they must except the consequences that can and will result. We need to protect those at high risk and get on with life. Myself, I did that today and along with some close friends took the boat out on the lake. Haven't taken a day off in ever so long, just checked in and the phone hasn't stopped ringing all day. More than half were from Motor Clubs such as Road America and Allstate. Our Dispatcher told them CC Only and they hung up only to call back 20 30 minutes later still CC and still they hung up. She finally stopped answering the Florida Numbers. Wonder if the members are still waiting, can anyone else relate?
  11. Yep, got mine in early. Don't know the reason others do not participate more. Keep up the good work Ron, I can see the activity is up, but then I don't get in here enough. Have a great weekend....
  12. Dad says we'll be adding this to our trucks this summer when we get the next new truck in. Anyone, have anymore designs to show what you have on your truck. Would you display this the same on all trucks or mix it up. I think mix it up would be best.., but I may get out voted God Bless!
  13. Always like seeing the positive parts of the industry. Keep em comin'
  14. Our Condolences for your loss so close to Mothers Day. Wish we were closer, I'd drop off a small boulder in memory of your Mom. God Bless !
  15. I see quite a few Patron Bars, but I understand it's not enough. Hoping others step up and support this great resource. I know I can drop in every few days and catch up. Just never enough time in the day. Normally the family takes Mom out for Lunch, we just did nothing this year. Gonna have to make it up somehow. Thanks for keep this place running, it's looking better all the time.
  16. Yeah, what Moose said.... Any Updates?
  17. NEGATIVE: Too Much Weight to Stop Safety. POSITIVE: Really Easy To Steer.
  18. Sorry, just logging in. Got the email last night and got in from the shop too late. One day, I may have time to get in here more often. I gotta Yoda on the Shelf in My Room. Wonder if it's like an Elf on the Shelf, no Elf Here.... Just Master Yoda!
  19. Other Associations should take a page from the CTTA Play Book. Would have thought our state would have been a leader. I think the Two Association Thing is the problem, I don't even think we're paid up.
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