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Everything posted by yoBdaBenO

  1. Mother's Day Sunday - Mother's Day Sunday - Must Not Forget Mother's Day This Year! Is anyone else thinking the same or do you have it together better than I do....
  2. Let's see some more towing collectables.
  3. Dad says it's not the same company since Chip Sold Out. We're glad Mr Kaufman is enjoying his well deserved retirement. But the company is likely losing are business. Dad isn't risking any ones safety on a hook or chain stamped "China"... IS anyone Else down with that?
  4. That was me, I did the exact same thing. Would have like to have had the PPE though. Oh, Got it now!
  5. NEVER WOULD I HAVE DONE THAT... It was beat into my head from an early age of the dangers related to rail road tracks. That car on the tracks is struck then you recover the car, you don't recover the car and your wrecker. Hard to believe we have to remind any Tow Truck Operator about this policy.
  6. Thanks Joe for your feedback. It is much appreciated. Going to get the front office to order a case next week.
  7. The stores around here have resorted to gallon jugs in the restroom and they still attempt to walk out the door with them. A Cashier said it's like watching them try to walk out with a gallon of anti freeze or washer fluid.
  8. No one has any other details and history of this tow company. Enjoy your retirement Mr. Randy Sorley.
  9. That's BAD, someone was flying. wonder who.... Hope the Tow Truck had both the light and witnesses. Heard there were two young men in the car that were transported to the hospital and the Tow Truck driver was also transported. The Tow Truck Driver suffered broken ribs. anyone know the company or have a follow up?
  10. I just wrote about this and we all need to watch the outcome closely. That is as it develops, and it will take months even years.
  11. Everyone needs to be aware the longer this goes on the higher the number of crimes will go up. Criminals have the run right now because of police only responding the non violent crimes. What happens when it escalates as the criminal advances to larger rewards.
  12. Welcome, this place are actually towing professional who participate here and know how to interact with each other.
  13. Tell Me what you're doing and if you can provide proof to verify that is what you're doing. Then of course we want to help the community as well. If I find out later you told I'm going to be at your business letting everyone know what you did. Just a Sign on the Back of the Tow Truck at Lunch Time for a couple of days would be my vindication. Even though it may cost me in lost revenue the lost of revenue for the company that lied will be much greater then paying for the tow or drop fee. Agree or Disagree? Maybe you think I should just let it go, Dad does and he's Old School.
  14. We all need more motivation in the Towing Industry. However, we tend to those qualities in general in times of need. I can go on one form of social media and see mainly negativity and fight. On around there is motivation however its general and not directed to any industry. I believe this is the Best Venue for Motivation right here where the Force is Strongest "TowForce". Anyone that has a video link or something that has offered you motivation recently. Please Share it..... We're all in this together believe it or not. How is not the time to crawl back into a safe place and not become involved. Hey, maybe I should work to motive others starting now. Can I get some mentors along with followers and I hope I can see you at an event after COVID-19 has made it's run. Be Safe Out There and Increase Your Awareness to the Health threat each and Every Day!
  15. Inspect your trucks regularly and watch for seat belts bucketed across or behind the seat. Our competitors drivers do this all the time.
  16. Welcome, seeking feedback from members that have tried your product. If I don't get any, I'll still place and order next week. Thanks
  17. I always heard it was, now it seems folks are using it continuously. Dries my skin out so I use a lotion a few times a day. But, then the regular shop hand cleaner have been my reason for a moisturizer. Never liked to feel of cracked hands on the steering wheel. LOL or on my girl...
  18. Has anyone tired these wipes yet? Just looking for feedback before making an order.
  19. Positively No Tow Trucks in High Water. Even cringe taking a truck through a low spot with a few inches of standing water. Policy is certainly no moving water regardless of depth, just not worth it.
  20. Said He Had Not Heard from me in over week. Wondered what I had been doing during this COVID-19 outbreak. After about a minute of silence, I said ---- DUH, I've been working. Some of us still have to get up and get busy. Fact is as tow operators we have a job to do. Regardless if we're towing or working on our equipment as well as vehicles in our shop. While we have extended shop hours and our two mechanics are splitting shifts cause they have children at home. We became flexible the first day, how bout you? I see Light Duty Only Companies such as ours complaining about few tows. Since we have been working on adding a Medium or Heavy Duty I have to ask if you have Heavies are you busy. Seems like big trucks are still on the road, our trash trucks are still running. I know they all break down. Do you have one or more Heavy Duty Units Running Daily or are you also slow? One of our local companies has parked his Heavies and we don't know why. Are you working with your employees that have children at home because school is out. We got on this right away and we wrote down our COVID-19 Policy. This includes no riders and the customers have been understanding as they don't want to be in a close cab either. If the situation requires then we have made an exception twice since this started. We have to adjust and if a driver does not want to transport passengers they will not be forced. A competitor Fired one of his better drivers because he refused to transport passengers and had to adjust his schedule to care for a young child at home. WE hired him Monday and he gets couple of hours in the morning to wait for his girlfriend to get home. This isn't easy for many and just because I don't have a family does not mean I can't pick up the slack for those who do. Can you relate or would you have Fired this employee?
  21. Do very many from the towing industry attend this show? What is there for tow company owners? Is it mainly manufacturers and and large fleets?
  22. Well, that was both entertaining and interesting, thanks for sharing....
  23. Copart said $75 a car within a 50 mile radius of their storage lot. Does not matter of it's 5 miles or 50 miles it's the same rate. One of the owner operator one truck haulers said if he hauls 2 or 3 in one load within that 50 miles and he does that a couple of times a day or 6 cars it's $450. That's a lot of work for a little pay after expenses. He averages about $2500 a week, we didn't get into his expenses. There's some Fuzzy Math there someplace.
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