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Everything posted by yoBdaBenO

  1. We have asked both the Police and Sheriff Departments if they could send someone qualified out to speak with our drivers. The answer was "Oh, we don't do that" and we asked what about when you send and officer into a school to talk to students. The answer was We haven't done that in several years". Then it hit me, we have not been asked to supply the police with a vehicle for high school wreck reenactment/scenario in a few years. Guess Texting and Driving, Not Wearing Seat Belts are not as important anymore. Then it hit me again, could it be the schools don't want police officers in them anymore. That could be the case and if so that stands to reason many of the problems we have with the youth. They took God Out of the Schools before I was in school and now they have taken police out of schools since I graduated. In the End all tow truck operators now need specialized training before they find themselves in a similar situation to this one. We tell our drivers to just walk away from the situation and our dispatchers know this policy. Neither the Driver or Dispatcher are to question one another. If one decides to walk away the other backs them up. We then review the situation later and since we have not had many such instances. Our need for training may not be as great as a tow company located in a big city.
  2. This is a good topic as we need to reorder a few bags, seems we ordered buckets the first time and split them up. Not sure how many times each bucket was used, but I know it worked over and over till it couldn't soak up anymore or was just soaked up. An order will go in Monday. Thanks, Spill Tackle Works!
  3. Just when I had Mom talked into this the Covid hit. Hope they get the classes going once again soon.
  4. We encourage our drivers to advise when they need assistance with traffic. Often they are able to complete the tow without them if they are going to take longer than it is safe to stay there. We call back and cancel the officer and they thank us. It's not like crying wolf, it's an added safety procedure. Better safe then sorry, we have even left an unattended vehicle until an officer was available. WE then return to the scene, our worst are those that leave their vehicle in a dangerous location because they are scared and take the keys. We charge extra when they do that, or request they return. Motor Clubs are getting really bad for that stuff. We refuse to tow vehicles on a motor club call without the vehicle owner present. Anyone Else did that?
  5. This is getting a bit more crazy as going out during covid-19 draws the crazies to me like a magnet. No, I do not need to wear a mask outside. I stay 6 feet from others and they still walk up on me to till me I need to wear a mask. Really, you couldn't just let me be... Have a great weekend, if you can.
  6. She cannot be serious, I never knew she what that done, celebrities should stick to making movies as no one cares about their politics. That is unless they want to get into politics.
  7. I just responded in another post about our rule of not driving vehicles on or off the bed. Every Truck has a working winch use it... This may be an accident, but it was an avoidable accident as there was no reason to start the vehicle with a mechanical problem.
  8. Our officers when possible generally give the vehicle owner an option to call their own tow prior to calling dispatch for a tow themselves. Each situation is different as is the amount of time they will wait for a private tow. Most have learned to find out who the private tow is and then request an arrival time. This has eliminated the we didn't have an option responses, as they were given the option with a time limit on getting the vehicle towed. Since many of those result in excessive wait times the officer calls for a tow as soon as possible. No Wreck Chasing Here, No Waiting at the Scene for a tow opportunity. The officers don't allow it even though it does greatly reduce the amount to time they spend on scene. The problem is much deeper and I will not go into it here as most of you know well why these types of tow trucks do this.
  9. This happens way to often and if we can be reactive why can't we be more proactive? Our condolences to the family, each and every life lost is tragic and hits home when its a tow operator.
  10. Who pays the Haz-Pay and is $225 enough for Hazardous Duty. Don't Emergency Service have a Hazardous Duty Package. What Towing Company can afford that, keeping drivers from going to a higher paying job now is difficult. If we didn't offer a generous bonus program for those who actually put in the effort and work we would have a higher turn over. New guys often are not willing to work their way up, they want to be at the top the first day. That isn't how it works, not everyone get a trophy or a bonus here. Do you think that is unfair?
  11. Not doing alot a PPI's lately but we do are fair share since we don't go after them hard. Also, we'll never do patrol towing and we even told one apartment/condo community we were not being there nightly guard patrol. Hire a real guard and they can call us for a legal tow.
  12. Done it a few times, but I really don't want our guys doing this on a regular basis. Just seems the driver isn't in control of the recovery. Then again like TowZone said, most of our are also on their roof and in a ditch at that...
  13. Those are the type of recoveries where I could use a larger truck. Takes at least an hour to get one out here where we are, in fact the locals will often pull them out with one of their massive tractors first. Not that they care to do it, they would rather not I am sure.
  14. That impound was not worth the tow truck drivers life. Yes, I know he was not injured this time. But, there will be another time and he might not be so lucky. Never ever turn your back on a subject and if you choose to run to what you feel is the safety of the cab of the truck. Be Prepared to Leave... I believe this was a serious lack of proper training. Our drivers are trained much better and this scenario would not have resulted in a confrontation. We will be going over this in our next safety meeting. Thanks TowForce for the great resource for safety meeting material. I just don't get this from Facebook, those guys just what to complain and bash one another anymore. No real dialog at all..
  15. Most folks I've seen want as much for a used set as they get for a new set. But, the used trucks we;ve bought came with like new dollies and didn't seem to add to the price over trucks without them. Inspect them regularly and you should get good life out of them. As TowZone said Bearing Buddies. Those are worth every penny...
  16. OK, so I don't get on here much and I try to devote time to catch up once ot twice a week. Fact is we're running at 110 percent this month even running 30 percent fewer motor clubs. Dad says as long as this keeps up we will be adding that 25 or 35 ton by fall. I suspect that will be late fall. My question is Are You Running Hard and Are You Near a 100% of norm or over like US? Gotta be more seeing this open up than just us. Travelers have added the additional 10% and our shop is benefiting from it. WE don't run AAA except back up, however our shop has a AAA sign from the 50's or 60's hanging outside. Since we're the only shop in town with the sign, we think folks tend to turn in here. Well, hope everyone is running hard, I got the night off, gotta hit it again tomorrow...
  17. We started putting a tarp over polices when traveling any distance as we have had things thrown at then. Things like water bottles, paint, eggs, etc. Luckily to this point they have aimed for the vehicle on the bed and not the trucks cab. Oddly, that we are aware of this has never happened while behind the tow truck. Have you experienced this?
  18. We sat him down and gave him an ultimatum. He actually said he'd have to think about if he wanted to work here. Then about the point Dad was going to said then there's the door, he asked if we would work with him and finally opened up to what was going on. So, we'll adjust his hours as he goes through this family issue. I know this isn't unique to our operation, I just wanted to know how others have dealt with this and how often it works out. I'll update in a week or two...
  19. We're nearly back to levels prior to the shut down. I swear at least one day we were above average. Can anyone else relate or are we just fortunate? After a Late Night I'm Off a couple of days. Next then next week I'll get get for it again and hope the bar gets higher. I want a Boat or Jet Ski and Dad wants a 25 Ton. Have Great Weekend even if you're working it......
  20. FBI says Bubba Wallace not a target of a hate crime, noose found was in garage last year. The FBI said Tuesday a noose found in the team garage of NASCAR driver Bubba Wallace at the Talladega Superspeedway has been there since October of last year and he, therefore, is not a victim of a hate crime. NASCAR, mentioning the FBI report, described the item as a "garage door pull rope fashioned like a noose." First Bubba Wallace was assigned this Garage last week and the rope was already there in fact it had been there since at least last October long before anyone knew Bubba Wallace would be in that garage. The FBI did a swift job, but what are the odds that the person with NASCAR that assigned that particular garage knew about this in advance. There's a conspiracy theory I am not even going to dive into. Now, let's get this straight Bubba Wallace full name is Darrell Wallace Jr., that's right his father is Darrell Wallace Sr. and he is Bi Racial something that ever NASCAR Driver knows. Yet this narrative that Bubba is Black is like Obama was Black. Someone explain how you choose who you are by your skin color. This isn't a Race Thing and NASCAR should be ashamed of themselves for perpetuating this farce. They knew this as early as Saturday but chose to sit on it till today. Is anyone mad about that, of course not they're just all glad it wasn't any of them and why didn't someone speak up sooner, someone who used that garage prior to Bubbas team had to have known. Oh, but wait what if they did tell NASCAR and NASCAR choose to give that information to the FBI and continue the narrative through Sundays Race. Yet another possible twist. NASCAR are you bailing water or treading it. There will always be True Fans, but the stock value may have hit a low. Just My Thoughts... I don't like being played....
  21. Only Between 10% & 15% though we may see a spike this year do to many more vehicles being left along our roads.
  22. Our thought's will be with Rob as we await word on his condition. Saying a Prayer Now!
  23. Sad, I didn't see this one anyplace else but here. R.I.P. Driver
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