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yoBdaBenO last won the day on July 1

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  1. Was looking forward to making it up to the show. But, yesterday as we were getting ready to head out the dealer called and backed out of the deal. He is sure he can get more for the truck then we had agreed on earlier this week. Is it that he can get more or never had the unit he had advertised? No, Dad doesn't want to throw the dealer under the bus so I am not using his name and we'll just move on to the next one. The Tennessee show is our next option. hope to see some of you there.
  2. Plans are to go up to North Carolina and pick up a truck this weekend. Hoping for time at the tow show.
  3. And I bet you were looking for a small Honda car. They never get us enough info. and off the road could mean anything.
  4. Dad says he has an Exit Plan. When asked what that is, he says it is a Working Plan. What is that, does anyone know? Is he Working on a Plan or is he Planing on Working?
  5. Welcome like O HI Tow I don't get on here enough. I hope to change that in the next few weeks.
  6. So I take it this issue has been resolved. Sorry, I have not been on here in a few weeks.
  7. Ohio is going to be further than we need to be from home at this time. We're looking at Tennessee, and watching for the info to be posted.
  8. As seen on an FB Page: Brand New Mercedes Sprinter on air fully fitted with the latest Collins Dollies.
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  9. I have the phones this weekend so I will get to catch up on topics.
  10. Dad insists we use the right equipment for each job. That is even though it may seem as though it is overkill. He says he went for years making it work with the equipment on hand. Now that we have the equipment we need to use it.
  11. The worst thing you can do is acknowledge a live streamer negatively. You are just asking for what you get.
  12. WELCOME: This has been a great community to find answers to questions as well as mentors from far and even near sometimes.
  13. I don't log in enough, when I do it is always so easy to view the topics I have missed. Thanks for the updates. YES, Enter me in the drawing, please.
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