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Everything posted by yoBdaBenO

  1. I see them everywhere, more women with cell phone cameras then men. Had one last week that wanted to record everything I was doing as I hooked up her sons vehicle. When she kept getting in the way, I stopped. I told her it was fine to record and asked her if she could do it from 6 feet, not 2 feet. She said she wanted to document in case of damage and needed to be closer than 6 feet. At that point I said OK and began to unhook from the vehicle. Took her a minute till I was nearly done to figure it out. She asked what I was doing and I said due to safety reasons I could not complete the tow. She asked what safety reason and I said hers as she was not following directions or safety protocols. You got to be careful cause she may have been wanting more than damage to vehicle. If I were not playing attention, I may have bumped into her. Should this have caused her to fall, who be at fault. While this isn't the same as the above video, it does relate to the extreme antics that some will go it. Have you had anything like this happen to you?
  2. Our condolences, so sad to have been so close to slowing down and in a moment that is taken away. Gods Speed, sorry I did not get on this one sooner, very busy.
  3. Someone must know this driver and have an update on his condition. Sure sounds much worse then what the tow truck looks. Then again that door and roof is heavily crunched.
  4. Steve W, Thanks it seems we may need to consult our attorney of what a Safe Working Perimeter is in say feet. My thoughts have been within a range something could come strike the person such it come loose while loading the damaged vehicle. Now, how do you define that range. obviously the sidewalk would be acceptable as long as the vehicle (s) was not located there or within an unsafe distance. This is all still rather foreign to most of us having not dealt with it in the past. Being proactive is far better than being reactive. A is it acceptable to permit someone into you work zone that identifies themselves as media regardless what type of media they are. What manner would you ask them to back up. Say they get in the way, lay on the ground to get a camera angle. As the tow op what is your responsibility for their safety, cause obviously they are going to sue for the smallest infringement of their rights and any injury which occurs. Say you laid a chain on the ground and they trip over it, that a lawsuit... Are we going to have to define the recovery scene using some OSHA standards? Obviously that would likely entail a work zone marked with cones and hard hats required. Do we go that far, just throwing it out there. Is there an attorney in the industry that is willing to address this issue?
  5. We hold regular meetings on these topics even if not all the drivers are present. If that's the case then we review it again the next week. I've held a meeting with just myself, then did the very same meeting the next week. These are actually safety meetings but we go over much more so I dropped safety for mandatory meeting. What mandatory meeting means in towing I don't know, but it sounds good. We've been so busy the past few weeks this will be our first meeting in 3 weeks now. Much to share in an hour, it's gonna run over as there is always some conversation and debate.
  6. Welcome. TowForce is a wealth of information. Far more professional than Fakebook.....
  7. There's is no way that is not light in the front end. controlling the steering would be fun. Been there done stupid things and got away with it. Don't do stupid things like this anymore.
  8. Plenty of safety reminders for our meeting tomorrow. Thanks Ed for sharing on TowForce, hope it's much better now. I've done one finger, Ice right away takes away the sting. Dad used to talk about how he got his finger caught in the car door when he was very young. Says the doors were real metal back then. LOL sorry it had to hurt.....
  9. This one will get a laugh in tomorrows meeting for sure.
  10. Never had a issue with a camera yet, most are just the vehicle occupants recording the scene. Not sure how to handle someone not associated with the scene, say a bystander... I suppose the best advise is to control your scene and ignore them. If they enter your scene (space) then ask them to back up for their safety. Stress over and over from their safety. Thinking body cams at some point, cause they don't generally like to be recordsed themselves I have noticed from the video's. Anyone think there may be a touch of mental illness or lack of something driving these interrupters. I think it has more to do with a few minutes of YouTube Fame! Harassing the Cops, something to be Famous For.... NOT!
  11. Any Plans to build a Euro Light Duty, I like the boxes on the Euro Trucks. Not sure what chassis we'd put it on, anyone got ideas? Al, do you have a 25 ton in the works and will they be built or assembled at the New Manufacturing Facility. It's likely gonna be that long before Dad makes a move. Have not found a good 25T that didn't have issues yet. The good ones are nearly as much as a new one, we can't justify that......
  12. We've had some wind gusts lately that would take that over and nothing to stop it. Pray you're not on the road and semi passes, with the wind it can cause a wind shear. Ever been behind a cargo or travel trailer when that happens. Speeding up can bring it back, speed that rollback up it's going to bring it back. But, we see it all the time... not a large enough rollback or should have been towed.
  13. See It All The Time! Better never see one of our drivers abusing the equipment. This will be in our meeting tomorrow, Thanks TowForce you're a great Resource!
  14. Sure would like to make a Tow Show this year. Maybe Chattanooga or Baltimore. We'll see how it goes.
  15. Very Sad, we don't have half as many of these crossing as we did just a few years ago. Still we get vehicles crossing the tracks without even stopping to look.
  16. Welcome Back Harvey, this place really came alive over the past couple of month.
  17. Our Condolences to the family, friends and coworkers. Is this becoming common in California or have I just seen more of these topics about California Towers being struck.
  18. Our Condolences to the Family, Friends and coworkers. Sounds like this is going to be a very long and difficult road back to some sorta life. I worry about our drivers and myself continuously and have made them all wear their vests. If you're not wearing it them I need to no way. Do forget ti like dad sometimes does. He's old and he's the owner, I stay on him and you stay on you I say...
  19. Our Condolences to the family, friends and coworkers. Make it ever harder when the drag out the judgement. Even worse when it doesn't fit the crime. This should be 20 to 25 years with no parole. She Killed a Tow Truck Operator then left the scene. In many countries you would not be breathing fresh air and we wonder crime is what it is...
  20. I have not had any problem, then I have not posted any pictures in awhile. Just a few YouTube Video's.
  21. Looks Good! We don't even hear from some of these clubs anymore.
  22. It's been very busy here, just wanted to jump in and wish everyone a Happy Easter. No matter what you are going through and regardless of faith today is a new beginning. A couple of Moms Favorites: “Where flowers bloom, so does hope.”- Lady Bird Johnson “Easter is very important to me. It’s a second chance.” - Reba McEntire We are fortunate enough to have enough drivers to fill all the trucks this year. Nearly everyone else has hiring signs out, however we pay better and only hire the best we can find. Dad says I'm paying you more than the others, be the best or go work for them. We have also started charging Holiday Rates for Holiday Service. None of this regular rates on Holidays anymore. You cannot call for services and not expect to pay more, so why are we still doing it. Even told the motor clubs the same thing, call someone else and let your member sit 3 hours or pay us more and we'll do our best to get them to their Holiday Event as soon as possible. We even told a family today we would hold their vehicle at the lot till tomorrow with no storage or second tow charge just mileage. They were very Happy! We are raising the bar, even if it cost us a little. Volume is not everything. Happy Easter, family is coming over this year. No Fear
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