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Posts posted by TowZone

  1. As much as we tried this show didn't work out for us. Sometimes work gets in the way, but I do expect a good turnout for what looks to be a great venue. If you have not checked the place out, you really should. Now who is going to be there?


    Please add pictures here for the rest of us. Uploading Images is easier then ever, Chris has worked hard to get the tech stuff up to speed on this new TowForce Message Board. Firing on All Cylinders and this is once again the place to be, see some of you in Vegas and Check out the other industry Roll Calls. If you don't find Baltimore in the List it will be added soon.

  2. This was copied from a duplicate post originally created on July 14th, 2020:


    Randall, thank you for your effort and devotion to searching out both the numbers and details. I just could never find that devotion though it was not that I didn't want to put in the time. It came down to I work those roadways nightly only taking a few days a year off. I am often in the danger zone be it on the interstates, Highways, Byways or even the City Streets. I took off this weekend just to gather my thoughts and spend some time here on the message board. I've been looking out at the Ocean and reflecting on the first half of the year. The growth TowForce has seen as both the number old members and new members surge is quite extraordinary. I hope to see more participation as this form of social media is still the most time effective.


    I'll add a story about the last run I was sent on Friday Morning prior to heading out. I was set to be off at 0600. At 0530 a run came in a vehicle was stopped on one of the bridges. So, even though I was set to leave for the weekend I headed out. Four lanes of traffic and we're in the right Vehicles mostly Truckers Flying by 4 to 6 feet from me as I exit the truck and all I can think is just don't let this be the time I become a statistic. I hooked and booked, but because it was a rear wheel drive and i was a ways to the next exit I needed to put a strap on it just in case. Before anyone says you didn't put that on dollies, yeah right! Every additional second you spend in the Danger Zone is a second closer to the end of your life. You Are Not Invincible and if you haven't figured out with a tower down every 6 to 7 days then I can't help you. I do feel that those who watch these incidents do take their roadside safety far more serious then the 7 out of 10 that just don't know and yes the numbers of uniformed drivers is more than 50%. The majority work for companies that are either uniformed or simply do not hold safety meetings and stress safety. Even seat belts with nearly 40% of Tow Truck Operators that either do not wear their seat belt or do not regularly where it. Yes, there are instances where the seat belt has contributed to death. However, that number is less than 3 percent and possibly even under 1 percent.


    As for the White Line it should be in your head at all times to stay away from the roadway. However, I have noticed over the years nearly as many Tow Operators have been killed or injured entering or exiting the truck. Having eyes in the back of your head "Being aware of what is going on" is very important to ones safety. Focusing only on the task of removing the vehicle will get you killed. I often advise others of the dangers which increases my own awareness although still leaving me more vulnerable then they are for having advised them. Watch the Traffic not me is what I tell them YELL if there is a vehicle approaching I need to be made aware of. Some say put them in the truck, I want them where they can flee and also be an additional set of eyes.


    Some use Cones, Flags, Flashing Lights, etc. and that's fine when you're in the roadway for an extended about of time. When the time is a few minutes often less than 3 minutes, use of a WARNING DEVICE adds seconds to the time spent in the Danger Zone!


    Now. I know that there are many more here to contribute to this discussion, chime in add your thoughts. What was the last Danger Zone you entered and how did you deal with it?

    • Like 1
  3. Man Accused of Fatally Shooting Tow Truck Driver Reenters Not Guilty Plea


    A convicted felon accused of gunning down a tow truck driver who was preparing to take away his vehicle near downtown Riverside re-entered a not guilty plea Tuesday to a murder charge for which he was ordered to stand trial.


    Javier Nieto Martinez, 35, of Riverside was arrested in 2019 on suspicion of killing 27-year-old Jesus Eligio Martinez Acosta of Colton.


    Following a preliminary hearing on April 6, a judge found there was sufficient evidence to warrant a murder trial and scheduled a post-preliminary hearing arraignment several weeks later.


    However, Martinez, who is representing himself, requested several postponements for reasons unclear. He asked for another Tuesday morning, but Riverside County Superior Court Judge Gail O’Rane denied the request, at which point the defendant pleaded not guilty to the murder count.


    O’Rane scheduled a pretrial hearing for Oct. 13 at the Riverside Hall of Justice and left Martinez’s bail at $1 million. He’s being held at the Byrd Detention Center in Murrieta.


    According to Riverside police Officer Ryan Railsback, shortly after 1 p.m. on Oct. 7, 2019, Acosta was contacted by Martinez, who wanted his vehicle taken from the 3700 block of Bandini Avenue to another location.


    Railsback alleged that during the process of placing the defendant’s car on the flatbed truck, Martinez became uncooperative and “engaged the victim in an altercation” without provocation. During the ensuing tussle, Martinez allegedly pulled a handgun and shot the tow operator.


    Witnesses called 911, and Martinez ran off on foot.


    Patrol officers converged on the scene moments later and found Acosta mortally wounded. Riverside Fire Department paramedics attempted life-saving measures, but he was pronounced dead on arrival at Riverside Community Hospital.


    Railsback said officers, with the aid of K9 units, began scouring the area, locating Martinez less than 20 minutes later in the area of Brentwood Avenue and Maplewood Place, roughly a half-mile from where the shooting occurred. He was taken into custody without a struggle.


    According to court records, the defendant has prior convictions for assault resulting in great bodily injury, spousal abuse and felony vandalism.



  4. If you like seeing these older posts brought back, please consider joining our Supporter Program,

    If you are not currently a supporter, we seriously need your assistance to build back our funding.

    Admittedly there has been a debt accrued as a result of the rebuild, nothing we cannot handle.

    It is just going to take time and your continued support makes it possible to get back on track.

    Click Here for Levels starting at $12.95/yr. https://www.towforce.net/subscriptions/  Thank You.

  5. What many fail to realize is, it does not take much to total out these newer vehicles.


    And I am betting this one is totaled... The Airbags would push it over the number...


    Regardless of that, it is unsafe to walk on the bed. Then to stand on the bed in front of the tilted vehicle. Plus a half dozen other point of concern. I'm still trying to understand the jumping it to drive it off the bed. Winch On, Winch Off aways repeat the same procedure. Follow the Discipline, remember the line in the movie and you can't be wrong...

  6. This was brought up by DennisHONK in the FB Live "No More Names on the Wall".


    Since I have done this the past few years, I thought it was a good topic to bring up again.


    I find that it is a good way to support the Towing Museum. So, whatever little we can do such as use smile helps.


    Also, we still need to meet our annual budget on Tow411/TowForce. If you are not currently a supporter will you consider adding a Supporter Bar under your screen name here on TowForce? These start at $19.95/yr. for basic supporter to $29/yr. for Patron I, $50/yr. Patron II and $75/yr. Patron III. The Patron Annual Supporter Rates locked in will never increase.


    In addition we are extending the New Sponsor Discounts until July 12th, 2021. As there are 3 or 4 waiting on authorization.


    To review all the supporter titles click here: https://www.towforce.net/subscriptions/


    A Huge Thank You to our continuing supporters. Without you TowForce would not have survived the past 3 years. Smile



  7. Several Notifications went out over night, that 32-year old Glenn Ewing died last night at The University of Cincinnati Medical Center.


    Our Industry mourns another tragic loss of life due to the carelessness of one of the many that do not give us room to work.


    Gods Speed Tow Operator Gone To Soon!


    Lest we forget them on the long road home


    The tow operator stood and faced his Maker, which must always come to air.
    He hoped his chains were left behind and he hadn't brought them on to bare.
    "Step forward now, wrecker driver how shall I deal with you?"
    Have you always rendered aid? To your Maker, have you been true?
    The tower, with dirt on his hands, said "No sir, I guess I ain't.
    Because those of us who drive wreckers can't always be a saint.
    I've had to work most Sundays and at times my talk was rough,
    and sometimes I've taken people cars, because life is just that tough.
    But I never took a penny, that wasn't mine to keep.
    Though I logged a lot of hours when the bills just got too deep.
    And I never passed by a cry for help though at times I had little to gain,
    and sometimes, please forgive me, I could do little more than feel their pain.
    I know I don't deserve a place among the people here.
    They only wanted me around in their worst of moments there.
    But if you have a place for me here, well...it need not be too grand.
    I never expected or had too much so if you don't...I'll understand."
    There was silence all around the room where the saints respectfully stood.
    As the tow operator waited quietly, for the judgment...bad or good.
    "Step forward now, wrecker driver, you've borne your burdens well.
    Come tow on heaven streets, You've done your time in hell."

    • Like 1
  8. independence-day.jpg

    It's a Tow Operator type 4th of July Weekend ...

    So, what are you doing Working, Playing or a little of both?


    To those Working watch the traffic remember it's a Holiday!

    To those Playing use caution and watch those Fireworks!


    To those who have not replied in the roll call just do it..


    Roll Call Closes July 5th -



    We also need new supporters to cover the expenses and get TowForce back to shows.

    Subscribe here: https://www.towforce.net/subscriptions/

    Of PayPal here: https://tow411.net/sponsor.html


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