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Truck Drivers Say They Won’t Deliver To Cities with Defunded Police Departments

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As cities across the country are discussing defunding or disbanding their police departments, truck drivers are voicing concerns of safety. Seventy-seven percent of truck drivers say they will refuse to deliver freight to cities with defunded police departments.


Truck driving is historically ranked as one of the most dangerous jobs in the country. In 2018, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistic reported truck driving as the most deadly job in the country.


Truck drivers have spent the last year on the front line of a global pandemic and protests. Now many are fearful of what might happen if police departs disband or are defunded.


Truck drives have been voicing their concerns on the CDLLife App. After reading about their concerns, CDLLife posted a poll on the app.


We asked drivers on the app, “Would you pick up/deliver to cities with defunded or disbanded police departments? Why or why not?”


To date, 77% of drivers say they will refuse loads to cities with disbanded or defunded police departments.

Here are some of their responses:


“…if something was to happen and you have to take matters into your own hands, and then you risk being prosecuted for protecting yourself.”


“This is not an area you need to act fearless and think you you’d look like a fool for saying no…Imagine what kind of fool you look like for driving into a hot spot and putting your life in danger.”


“I will not deliver to an area with a disbanded police department. My life matter and I do this for my family. We are already at the mercy of these towns and cities with laws and hate against us for parking, getting a meal or even using a restroom.”


“Simple. We may not like it all the time, but laws and order is necessary.”


“Most places we go already can be dicy an about only time you see a cop is when lights is on behind you.”


“For my own safety and security of my customers’ loads, I have already informed my dispatcher that I will refuse all loads to cities that have defunded their police departments.”


The Minneapolis City Council reportedly plans to disband the city’s police department.


“According to the Associated Press, on Sunday, a majority of the members of the Minneapolis City Council declared that they support disbanding the city’s police department. Lisa Bender, the city council president, said, ‘It is clear that our system of policing is not keeping our communities safe. Our efforts at incremental reform have failed, period.’


Bender added that the city council is committed to terminating Minneapolis’ relationship with the police force,” Forbes wrote.


Other cities are planning similar but less dramatic options. For example, New York and Los Angeles said they will reduce budget and deploy other resources such as social and youth programs.



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I don't blame them, just look at what has occurred to Truck Drivers as Lawlessness seems to continue across our nation. Would you want to have to make a choice to run someone over or be attacked. That's a much harder choice then anyone watching the videos of those tragic events realizes. It's often a split second decision. Are you prepared to make that decision, has your company talked about this with the ones in harms way?

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Like Law Enforcement, Tow Truck Drivers and others. Truckers want to go home to their families as well, they don't need to get in the middle of something just doing their job. Hope the Main Stream Media runs with this story. Can't wait to see how they bend it to the Truckers being Racist or something. Bet they think all truckers are one color. I'm told Truckers don't exactly look like they did back in the 70's. I wouldn't know.

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