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Magnetic Arrow system


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I have been experimenting with a magnetic fold up arrow system from the USA. With the low numbers of supporting authorities on UK roads need to look at different ideas. I have found that this helps in making people aware and you can put this system on the rear of a vehicle whilst loading.




Edited by Zoggie
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Personally, I have not seen this as an effective deterrent as it exposes the driver to added risk setting up and taking down. Especially if it is a quick hook up or load, every extra second you spend in that hazardous situation increases to odds of something happening. No, more effective when on scene for longer periods of time is an actual crash truck or arrow board. This budget solution scares me.

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I respectfully agree with towzone on this. The less time we spend out there on the side of the freeway the better. Practice on streamlining your quick hook/loading procedures and get your butt outta there !!! Get somewhere safe and complete your tie downs. Now I know theres guys out there that will bash me and say you cant roll untill your secured completely, you can get ticketed/fined and so on. To that I say write me the ticket, at least I will be alive to answer the summons.


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Guys....whilst I have every respect for your opinions...

I cannot agree totally with the point Ron makes about the inneffectiveness and wasted  time...


I  bought two of those magnetic LED  arrow systems  at the Atlanta tow show ....with a view of trialling  them in live situations in the UK 

if successfully  effective....plan on placing a large order to market them in the UK ....

I see it as another warning device that can be very quickly attached to vehicles ...... being magnetic,  no time is wasted trying them on . 10 seconds  max....and you dont have to take them off until the vehicle is moved to a place of safety     it is not a cure all and may have to be secured by other means I.e.  adhesive tape or elastic hook straps when attached  to plastic or non ferrous surfaces ....


BUT... I strongly believe  they can be most effective  when loading large panel Van's onto  roll backs ....or trailers 

When the body is down the rear lamps are totally obscured ....the bulk of the casualty vehicle  quite often  obscures the beacons and any rear cab lighting...

Furthermore....if the electrics of the van are dead ...then there will be effectively  be no rearward facing lights at all !!!

Both Paul and I have been trialling them and  they appear to be fairly effective in certain  cases... especially on  dark unlit  roads ...

As I have previously stated in this post this is not the magic cure ....but ...for the cost of less than  6 gallons of diesel.....

If it reduces the risks operators face..at the roadside..

  saves one injury or life .....it has to be worthwhile...  

John.... ..


Edited by mushspeed
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As always thanks John for the insight. I neglected the aspect of placing these on the rear of a commercial type vehicle such as a trailer or van whereas traffic may not be able to see the tow truck hooking up to the vehicle. I feel compelled to apologize as I was focused on the images as they were presented. In the US traffic would simply run you over attempting to set up any type of signage. Attaching the magnetic flashing arrow banner I could see may actually provide support and still be able to maintain some level of safety away from the roadway. I am sure there are many more perspectives other than my own. 

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Ron....you dont need to apologize my friend.......I dont think we will ever find an ideal solution for this tragic loss of life the industry has world wide...

We have a German made 44 tonne tractor unit in our haulage fleet  which is fitted with the latest lane technology sensors,  if the driver changes lanes without signalling,  a loud buzzer sounds in the cab... 

Also distronic sensors....

If the driver follows too close the vehicle in front  it automatically slows the vehicle down by  reducing the engine speed and applying the brakes ...

This technology is gradually being built in to all European trucks and up market cars ...

The manufacturers are trying to introduce devices to warn and assist drivers of impending dangers ...

But there is no effective cure for drunk driving or texting at the wheel  apart from jail .....and that is all too often .....after the event.






Edited by mushspeed
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