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Posts posted by Flagfixer

  1. Early reports say the trooper was responding to a tow truck driver who was having problems with the operator of the disabled vehicle.  The problem was the driver of the disabled vehicle did not want to pay for  the tow.. When the shooting started the tow driver ran for cover and was not hurt.    News is still waiting for the official briefing from FHP.


    So sad and all over money.  Heaven help the towing community.

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  2. Randall,

    Congratulations of presenting this class!!  It is surely needed. 

    I would suggest that everyone in the tow business attend.  Each time I see a tower is injured or is killed doing their job, it hits me hard. 

    How many times have you been nearly run over ??

    How many times have your traffic cones been hit ??  As a PSA for law, I have had several cones hit.  You will not believe it.


    It could have been your employee or your self!

  3. I read the article and have some comments.

    The reference to glare from different color flashes was interesting but, the flash rate was based on a low number or around 2 flashes per second.  If the emergency vehicle has 20 led lights flashing at 2 per second, then the total number of flashes could reach the 40 hertz flash rate which exceeds the upper limits of their recommendations.  In English too many Led lamps.

    I do agree about the fixation being a problem.  And the total number of first responder units in a small space with up to maybe 100 flashes per second would cause most drivers to stare at them.


    Thanks for the article.  I have passed it along to the Chief Engineer of a large fire department.  He was appreciative as well.



  4. I agree that 'less is more" for sure.  Back last year I had an eye problem and since then, if I come up on an accident the local sheriffs cars and suv have so many flashing red and blue lights that it is just about impossible to see the officer attempting to handle traffic.  More older drivers in Florida have vision problems than most other states.  I would suggest that some lights should be shut off while on scene to prevent folks from focusing on the lights.  Think about the interstate signs that get hit when there is plenty of space to miss it.  If you focus on it, you will hit it.  Tow trucks are not exempt from the focus and hit reaction.  My 2 cents.


    The towers and others are running empty all over the place with their entire light display on.  For the life of me, I can't figure why.  Loaded. .  maybe.  Unloaded.. makes no sense at all.  AAA driver told me that AAA suggested it as a safety measure.  Cable tv, fuel trucks, equipment haulers must have thought it was cool.  Go figure.

  5. Brian makes good sense on the 16 ton. Bottom line. . . which one will sit in the parking lot and which one will  stay busy.

    I have a friend who tried the Heavy route and lost his butt.  Truck just sat.  He finally got an old Holmes 600 and put it on a newer Ford chassis added an underlift.  Made money from day one.  It is not the best setup but he does lots of truck rental and motorhome towing. He has another used truck on order from a dealer up north.

    Best of luck on whichever route you take.



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