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Re: No Grease Since the Civil War

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For every tow operator safety course I teach, there's a hands-on module specific to using and rigging snatch-blocks. Regardless as to ANY size snatch-block that's going to be used in a simple winch-out or perplexing recovery, they all have one thing in common that they need ... GREASE.


Color me high-maintenance, but, I have this pet peeve where I hate seeing tower's having to hammer a snatch-block's turn-knob to get it released; only for the simple fact that the block hasn't seen grease since the Civil War. When a snatch-block spends much of its time exposed to wet and weather, it's bound to rust. Accordingly, every tow operator is responsible for ensuring that the snatch-block on their truck is inspected to ensure there is an operating and in-place safety clip, a swiviling head, turn-able tightening knob, a close-able side-plate, and a rolling sheave-wheel. Additionally, a shot of grease in the block's Zerk fitting will help ensure the rolling wheel keep's on rolling. Towers are reminded to not over-tighten the tightening knob by backing-off slightly to allow easy un-tightening when the block's use is completed.


There's no reason, other than laziness and no maintenance, for towers to need a sledge or a J-Hook to have to beat-open a seized or stuck knob; even a shot of WD-40 will help keep things rolling and working,     R.


Rusted Snatchblock 2.jpg

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Randall C. Resch

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Snatch blocks and ALL other rigging equipment should be part of your scheduled, REGULAR maintenance. It is hard to be considered a professional if your sitting there at a recovery scene, beating your rigging with a hammer, a J-hook or beating it off the side of your deck because its all rusted shut. Another thing that drives me batty is seeing a guy digging around in a tool box or chain tray, grab a chain or strap and as he starts pulling it out, there is a tangled mess of other chains, straps, tools and god knows what else coming out and spilling all over with it. My 8 year old son is better organized than most guys I cross paths with out there. I see it simply as a customer sees the way you take care of your equipment then he or she can be assured you will take care of their vehicle. if you dont care about your own stuff then you certainly dont care about anyone elses. Ever see a guy use a J-hook as a snatch block? I Watched a guy do it once. i walked over and I asked him if he wanted to borrow a snatch block. His reply was he has been doing it this way for 15 years and thats why the J-hook is smooth and rounded in the throat. He then went on to tell me I just waste all my money on fancy crap that you dont need...... Heres your sign..... 

Edited by GRUMPS The Towman


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