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Re: Towers Dissed on Internet

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There's an article floating around the internet by a writer named Kirsty Law and on the website Thethings.com. The article can be seen on the link https://www.thethings.com/20-things-tow-truck-drivers-do-that-annoy-everyone/


After reading her narrative, I got my panties in a twist and I fired off one of my letters yesterday to rebut what she had to say. In part I wrote,


"I write to share my total disdain with your, October 14, 2019, article, “20-Things Tow Truck Drivers Do That Annoy Everyone.” I believe your narrative may have been perpetuated by you, or someone you know, having an undesirable experience of having a vehicle towed or impounded? Your adverse narrative makes me believe that you, or someone you know, may have been towed because of being parked where one shouldn’t have parked, they were towed by the police, they were arrested for driving while intoxicated, or, were involved in an unfortunate traffic accident … all by the way, at no fault of our tow operators. "I believe that you, and, Thethings.com, owe the towing and recovery industry a huge apology. Please note, I have since forwarded this letter to the towing and recovery industry while providing them the link to your article and your editor. Furthermore, I’ve invited all towers to message back to your publication with hopes this letter is returned to you.  Your narrative is unacceptable, demeaning and undeserved. While I’ll say that we’re not an industry that’s over-sensitive and certainly not one easily offended, your words shed malice in a negative light, that, without tow operators serving the motoring public, the world’s highway, bi-ways and city streets would be nothing more than orchestrated chaos. These brave men and women give their lives to serve their communities in-which they live. So, the next time you experience a flat-tire or vehicle break-down on the shoulder of a dark, rainy highway, I pray for your survival when no tower comes to your aid having read your slanderous and ignorant comments that berates our brotherhood of brave tow men and tow women."


I invite you to read the narrative as see that the industry has been dogged for whatever motivation she has. I further invite you to write the parenting site https://www.valnetinc.com/ a nasty-gram if only to tell Ms. Law just how out of touch with reality she really is. I know that my words might fall on Ms. Law's deaf ears, but it does me well to let her and those other ignorant journalists know that they have their heads in their proverbial asses.   R.



Edited by rreschran
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Randall C. Resch

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