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Warnng Lights

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This Topic was created by FMS Mike on Tow411 in October of 2005:


A great pet peeve of mine is seeing a car carrier coming down the highway with a car secured in four ways and the truck displaying 10 strobe lights. Lights in the grille, a big light bar, strobes in the back, for what?


The more the public sees our lights on for no reason the less they are going to pay attention to them when we need them to most, like those snowy nights on the highway and we're pulling a car up the embankment alone because state police is too busy. Lights have a reason on our trucks and they are to "Warn others", not to be used to show off whose truck has more lights, that's just hurting us all in the long run. Save the lights for when you need people to realize something or for when you're at a show.




In Memory of Da Wash Boss who said:

yes i agree with you, here in Connecticut the so-called professional towing association does nothing to endorse safety such as lights and safety chains and overall safety. they use the name towing and recovery professionals and yet i dont see the professional part. the current president of this association endorses unsafe towing and operating illegal wreckers. i can drive 25 minutes north of me to Springfield mass and every towing company up there has tow lights in use on vehicles in tow.

Danny Cassello


Jack Martins towing said:

Here in fla, it is unlawful to use flashing lights of any sort on a flatbed or carrier while in motion.
But a lot of companies use them anyway.

Forrest said:

Can't run with them in Washington either.


In Memory of towmanjc who said:

I call the them the flasher wackers!!!


Oldtrucks said:

My thought would be lights should only be used while attending/hooking up, and manouvering at a scene. Once you are under tow the lights should be off. This seems like common sense"Tow them like you own them"


Clay said:

From the mouth of the Big Cheese of wreckers for the state of CT "you got to run lights on carrier because too many of you idiots are dropping cars of the bed". That means only the CT lights (the out side top lights). I won't keep going on all the feelings I have on this, I'm already too pissed off at the industry today.............


ptow said:

I agree...During Transport, you should not run your emergency lights...However, I do run my corner strobes while moving a large building or real heavy equipment etc....
What really gets me is these dealerships that put emergency lights on top of new cars next to the road.....


lstyba said:

Correct, In BC it is for hook up. Not transport.Cya In the Ditch
Larry Styba
WM# 011088
6/7 AC


twinbulls said:

I Agree ....It only makes us look silly... and the public will have even less respect for us...

I was at a crash the other day with my lights on and right next to the State trooper he was directing traffic as I winched the car onto my deck. He turned his back for one second and a car tried to get by and almost hit me...
The trooper yelled at the guy he just kept going..(bad idea)
The trooper called him in and another trooper caught him about 5 miles away.
You know what he told the trooper.. He said the tow truck lights meant nothing and the other trooper was not doing his job so he just went....
Well, he got a couple of tickets one for not yielding to emergency lights( tow trucks are covered) not following a officers direction and speeding and no seat belt...
So he got his....

But we need to teach all towers the rules about the lights....

Tim Ward


FMS Mike said:

Tim, you bring up exactly what I mean, glad to hear you ok. Last weekend in the driving rain i was winching a Cadillac out of the muddy median at 2 am and I had the high-speed lane shutdown with State Police blocking the lane wouldn't you know of the 4 other lanes to use some other **** used the one closest to my truck and the cruiser. The Stately blared his horn but that was it. I have 2, 360 degree strobes that do the job as good as anything. With those on and 6 floodlights, you'd think people would give us a break and move over.



unknown member said:

ive only been driving for a yr and i can tell you here in Mi its just as bad as anywhere....sometimes i feel like my lights are a homing beacon...lol...awhile back i was loading a car on a rolloff on the side of the highway...a staty had shone up just as i was pulling on scene...he stuck around while i loaded...just as i was getting back into the truck a semi came fling by real close to the white line...damn near clipped both of us...well needless to say it didnt take 5mls to catch him....

in Mi. wreckers are covered under the same law as police and rescue....


lovetohook said:

In some states, it is illegal to run your lights when in tow you could be nailed for impersonation of an emergency vehicle


FMS Mike said:

Exactly, You do not see fire trucks driving down the street with their lights on. If they did no one would pay attention to them. We use our lights to alert people that we are working and they need to use caution because there is a hazard, whether it be a car being wheel lifted or we're loading or doing a recovery. A flatbed with a car totally secured with no hazards on it is no different than an flatbed empty. Let's all do each other a favor and use the lights for when we NEED people to notice us and keep them off when there's no reason for them

Farmington Motor Sports



Clay said:

Mike reread my post we have to run lights in CT. I hate the rule but our 1 point tie-down companies have screwed us.


FMS Mike said:

Hey Clay, Which post are you talking about? If that is the case I understand but can't we all agree 10 strobe lights on a carrier going down the road is a little much if not obnoxious?
Farmington Motor Sports
In Memory of Eagletow who said:
While driving on the Dan Ryan expressway in Chicago many years ago I was stunned .I thought there was a major wreck of epic proportions !!There were wreckers all over the freeway with lights going but traffic was still flying at top speed . Hmm,In Michigoon we cant run with our lights on .W.T.F.?
I found out they had to have a light going when they were towing ,in fact (check me Steve) back then I saw the wreckers using a magnetic rotator on the towed vehicle .
Now I know why they all drive like they're on drugs .Cuz they are !There are very few personal
problems that cannot be
solved through a suitable
application of high explosives.
Freelance66 said:
he old rule was warning lights on if any part of the towed vehicle was on the ground. The warning light on the towed vehicle was to make up for the lack of tag lights, or in conjunction of the tag lights.

The rules have changed a little, but the abuse of the inner-city and some of the burb drivers are still rampant. On a carrier where no part of the towed unit is on the ground they run the lights like some sort of advertising................
In Memory of Da Wash Boss who said:
In this wonderful state of Connecticut, there are only a few companies and i do mean a few who do things the right way as running tow lights putting vehicles in tow plates on towed vehicles, and so on. They have a towing association that claims to be a professional towing association however starting at the top they endorse state laws and safety to be violated. Tow lights should be on all vehicles in tow as a true professional would have them in place. I think this so-called professional towing association should encourage its membership to do things the right way, but they don't. why should the leader of this so-called association tell other people what to do when he cannot do it in his operation and yet they call themselves professionals?
Danny Cassello
FMS Mike said:
QUOTE: "A professional towing association should encourage its membership to do things the right way, but they don't.
I'd have to disagree with that. Yes, there are companies that break the rules with the way they tow in Ct. But what state has towers that all follow the rules. NO STATE.
This is very untrue. It bothers me that all you do is bash the association. Did you know that our state offered a class in saddle tank evacuation that also included a 4 hour lecture form OSHA that included the importance of proper PPE and Chains and winches and other items that would pose a hazard to our towers. TRPC also hosted a class on biohazards in cars and how towers can look out for potential dangers and how to protect themselves from hepatitis, blood borne viruses and other biohazards. The TRPC also hires industry leader Tom Luciano to teach its light duty and heavy duty certification classes. Our Association may need some work but to say that the towing association endorses violating safety and do not encourage its members to be safe is a complete and total lie. These accusations coming from someone who doesn't directly work in the towing industry too.
In Memory of Da Wash Boss who said:
Hello Mike, for one i do not bash the towing association i speak the truth about it i am not bashing it. in case you were not aware of it i am directly involved in the towing industry. you are right that no state has any towers who do things the right way all the time. if this so-called professional towing association in ct is so good and has all this training then how come they don't have training classes on how to use safety chains and how your tow lights are supposed to be 8 feet high for safety not 4 feet high to look cool. why don't they endorse using the vehicle in tow plates and tow lights on towed vehicles? the only leader who was a true professional for this so-called professional towing association was the late Bob Halprin he knew how to run the thing. the current leader and the former ones were useless and liars. when I was a paid member in good faith in hopes of being active the leader at the time was two-faced. one hand he took my money to be a member then on the other hand he is filing complaints against me. not a big deal so i change names get new trucks and dont join this joke of an assocation. so again i stress i am not bashing no assocation just simply telling the truth. there are some good members there and some very respectful and professional ones. then there are the other ones who think they are professional and are not even close.

Danny Cassello
Clay said:
This is the statement I'm talking about:
"From the mouth of the Big Cheese of wreckers for the state of CT "you got to run lights on carrier because too many of you idiots are dropping cars of the bed". That means only the CT lights (the out side top lights). I won't keep going on all the feelings I have on this, I'm already too pissed off at the industry today............."

I fully agree that it should only be the 2 CT lights going, if we do have to run lights. What I think is unreal, is companies are willing to spend money for 4000 blinking lights all over the truck, but can't spend any money on doing things right.
In Memory of Da Wash Boss who said:
wow your right clay, or better yet companies will spend 4000.00 on lights and then complain and cry how they don't make enough money on a tow. i dont know why anyone or as the big cheese says you idiots,,,, and then some people say i am bashing that so called professional association but anyways if safety chains are in place and the 4 point tie down why would these professional idiots be dropping cars.

some members here who are professionals from other states and areas would never believe how this so called professional association really works. the big cheese now calls his members idiots and one of the other leaders from Farmington would lie to your face and was a 2 face coward.

this industry has many good professionals but you would have to be here in hartford ct area to understand what takes place here and then you would still not believe it.

Danny Cassello
FMS Mike said:
Well, Ill let you all decide for yourselves. My company enforces using 4 point tie-downs and safe practices all of which our drivers are taught at Light Duty Classes required by the State Police. i won't argue anymore and i'll let everyone think what they want about the Connecticut Assoc. I'll say it has problems like they all do. And some have had some issues with safety chains but show me a state that doesn't. There's no need for us to bicker about it , it's childish. We're all allowed our opinions but I'm going to keep mine to myself because it seems to be upsetting some and that's something I do not want. We're a brotherhood of towers and we all need to look out for each other and not bicker over who's right and who's wrong.

Farmington Motor Sports
Clay said:
Danny You know the Big Cheese (Santoro). That is his way of talking. If you listen to him he is really helpful just a bit hard on the edges..
In Memory of Da Wash Boss who said:
there is nothing to decide, everyone knows that the trpc is not what it should be. no one upset here i am always happy just speaking the truth and not hiding behind anyone or anything as do other people. as for santoro he says it like it is and he is usually right. as for the trpc i cannot recall any training where they enforce and endorse towing safety. there are some decent members there however the leaders are useless they were in 1997 when i was a member and they still are. they get a cliche going and thats it. when they were grandfathering heavy duty drivers in for certification i know people who got grandfathered in and have no clue how to run a big wrecker. then to get my certification i got my b_lls broken. excuses we can not get ahold of your former employer and yet i called him and he answers his phone right away and no one from trpc had ever called him. they are full of lies at that place. i still have my membership sign in my office, its in the bottom of the bird cage.

Danny Cassello
unknown member said:
Mike, You all have valid points and I being from Texas I surely can not validate what other associations do. I know that in regards to lights, I have guys come in everyday that want to purchase more and more lights for their trucks, only to realize that this hasn't done them a bit of good,let alone provided more safety to their operators, when they are used improperly. I to hate the trucks driving down the road with their lights. The public seems to look at tow trucks as if they weren't even there. Many of these same guys that spend the money for all the bells and whistles, want perform routine maintenance on their equipment. Its an aggravating issue but i'm not sure how we solve it. I know that the TTSA holds 2 classes a year for training- light duty and a heavy duty that is taught by Tom Luciano. I am glad to know that you train your operators to be safe out there. Good luck to us all on the light issue!
Jess said:
In Kansas we cant run them while in tow but while loading and unloading when we have to
In Memory of Da Wash Boss who said:
safety first, if you have a vehicle in tow the law states you must have tow lights on vehicle in tow. i think its a great law and by fighting it and not doing it just shows that one would not care about safety. do it right and build positive responses with the motoring public.

Danny Cassello
TowZone said:
Just a note before this post goes a rye. This issue does not concern drag lights, I am sure everyone here agrees that they should always be used. There is a law in each state that addresses them, if not refer to the use of trailer lights.

This post concerns overhead lighting which is visible from the front and rear. I have to agree with GP that changing the law would be a bad thing. All it serves to run those lights while under normal towing conditions is to say. "Hey, look at me. Look at what I can do!" Very distracting to motorists and even worse at night.

I heard one tower say that it was mandatory for his trucks to have the overheads on while in tow. Get this Because It's Good Advertising! http://www.tow411.net/images/emoticonthud.gif

GP, much luck the last thing any industry that runs overhead emergency-type equipment needs is a mandated policy such as this one.

The only exception I can see at this time would be School Buses which often have a white light in the center of the roof these days. I have no problem with that from a safety standpoint as it is not blinding even at night. Garbage Trucks have lights on all the time but they are visible from the rear only and they only travel great distances when going to a landfill.

The main issue is Tow Trucks on major roads at constant speeds with the overheads on. Why?
unknown member said:
Hate to sound stupid for not knowing the detail of the law.I believe in CT.we are supposed to run our CT. lights on wrecker in tow.I believe we don't need magnetic in tow lights on back of car.On flatbed with car on back no CT. lights , unless car on rear tow bar.I hate to say it but my friend worked for a tow co. in farmington with little blue cab over flatbed trucks. He told me that his boss used to yell at him for taking chains out of the wrecker. The boss told him that he only needed the one chain that was in his flatbed truck. The boss told him the one chain was for the rear of the car. He told his boss he needed two chains for the rear and two chains for the front because that was the way he was taught.The boss told him one chain was sufficient for the rear and the cable was sufficient to hold the front because that it the way that he himself did it.My friend also told me the chain slots were so worn and damaged on the rear of aluminum bed that the chain would not hold unless you dropped the grab hook end of chain down through slot and brought the chain up around end of the bed and hooked it back on itself.My friend did not work there long.
KingDragenWagon said:
I do agree the lights don't need to be on when you are in tow.
Here in oklahoma you would be given a ticket for doing that
while in tow.

OUR state law only states that YOU run your lights at the scene and only then.

When we have a major scene going on and WE have OUR Own Arrow board's and Cones set in place, WE shut Our Truck lights off to NOT Draw any more attention to US as we WORK.



wreckerman05 said:

when you need the light to do what they are made for-while on the scene of accident or loading a car on side of the road people ignore them thinking its just one of those dummies going down the road with his candles lit up- i never have understood their reaon for it--those lites are expensive and cost to repair from excessive use are high $$$$$$$$$$$$$


towinguy said:

Here if we have a vehicle on the wheel lift, then we have to run these little dinky amber flashing lights (not connected to the light bar). It looks stupid and I can find no use for it. We use tow lights and the total length is no longer than a pick up and camp trailer.

We do run with our red and blues on when traveling on a closed road or the interstate after it has been closed. I think that is just so the troopers can see us from a distance and don't get excited if they see headlights someplace they shouldn't. In Wyoming, when the road is closed, it is closed. The rail road crossing type arms come down and stops traffic, be we can go around. That's the only time we run with the light bar on.

Gregg WM010022


TowZone said:

There has been a request made to close or remove this topic, as it has become a topic of controversy. I will honor that request should the members insist, however, this is a topic I am very passionate about, as I will be working very hard over the next year to encourage states to enforce laws that make it unlawful to operate any tow vehicle with overhead beacons when the tow does not require them. Such as a hazardous or wide/oversized load. The use of such lights in a no-hazardous situation only desensitizes the motoring public as they do not see a reason for such a warning.

Over the past weekend in Baltimore, I spoke with several towers who did not realize that it was unlawful in their states to run down the road with them. In each and every case these towers cited the main reason for using them was to bring attention to their company trucks. Intended More For Advertising Then Safety!

Notes from above in review:

"From the mouth of the Big Cheese of wreckers for the state of CT "you got to run lights on carrier because too many of you idiots are dropping cars of the bed"."

The above has to be the most careless statement I have heard or read in sometime.

However, I do run my corner strobes while moving a large building or real heavy equipment etc....

The above is most appropriate and I think that these moves would also justify the use of overhead beacons if they were visible from the rear. I believe many states already require such warning devices.

Correct, In BC it is for hook up. Not transport.

Exactly, very smart and they likely enforce that in Canada.

abuse of the inner-city and some of the burb drivers are still rampant. On a carrier where no part of the towed unit is on the ground they run the lights like some sort of advertising.

Some sort of advertising, that is the number one reason companies cite for using them. The owners of those companies require it even though the drivers often see it as diminishing their effectiveness.

a professional towing association however starting at the top they endorse state laws and safety to be violated.

If there are any State Associations which advise or encourage their membership to disregard the laws of that state. I want to publically come out against them here. They are doing an injustice to their membership. If any Association President has an issue with that feel free to call me and explain your position as to why you would have towers in your state running unlawfully. Is it not bad enough that associations have stuck their heads in the sand this long? The only reason I can see for such action is that the association president's company runs unlawfully. What an example to the membership, you should either clean up your act quickly, get to work for the members or resign.

It bothers me that all you do is bash the association.

I was very anti association for many years, I was very anti association when I formed this network. Since that time I have seen more good towers in the states then bad. Problem is both good and bad towers involved with these associations shunned those trying to operate within the law. They are opposed to welcoming new members in, yet they talk about membership numbers. Being involved with several civic organizations I can tell you this is a way of thinking. It's mental, we are more prone to avoid that pitfall within our towing information network as our membership is a melting pot of many association members and non members. Towers who would have likely never become allies with out such an opportunity to network online.

"the only leader who was a true professional for this so called professional towing association was the late Bob Halprin he knew how to run the thing. the current leader and the former ones were useless and liars."

Danny, get off of it those folks are gone. They actually failed, as they did not see their own mortality. I should hope went I am not longer of this earth that their will be others to carry on the mission of uniting this fine industry. There is more good then bad, the bad keeps us down. If you don't agree with those running the current association DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT and Stop Bitchin. I hear you buddy! I've been there, listen to yourself. Your sounding like a broken record and many here are sick of it.

"In Kansas we cant run them while in tow but while loading and unloading when we have to"

Jess, how often do you see towers disregarding this state law? How many companies do you think realize they are operating the truck unlawfully? Does the State Association advise them of this law or do those responsible not represent the membership properly.

"Here in the sunny state of AZ. the law says we can't use the emergency lights while in tow unless the load poses a hazzard to other motorists. Use is authorized only when loading or unloading."

Exactly the way it is in the majority of states and should remain anyone attempting to reverse good legislation which was put in place for a reason is an idiot and yes I realize some folks I am close too may take offense to that statement. Call me and explain your position, maybe someone can make a better argument then I have heard to date and I've heard several. They all lead back to public awareness, not of safety but company image. Oh, what comes to mind!

"The President of APTRA (the other assoc) told me the other day that he want to get the law changed so that we have to run something like CT lights and not the magnetic tag lights. THIS IS A BAD IDEA He didn't look too happy when I told him I would fight him tooth and nail and this one."

If this is a true and accurate statement. It is likely the idiotic one I have heard to date. To enforce overheads and not tow lights which are much closer to vehicles coming up from behind, which reduces reaction time is fool hearty. Think about it, when you come up behind a vehicle especially in the evening you react faster the closer the tails are, this places the tow truck in danger of a rear end collision.

In Closing anyone that has an issue with any of this needs to get involved and post it here. Let your voice be heard, this is an important topic I personally do not want to see go away. As I said I am on a compaign next year to see that this there is a uniform standard among the industry. The only way to increase the professionalism of an organization is to set uniform standards.

Now who among you is on board, post it hear. Those who aren't be damn, not really just pick up the phone anytime 24/7 and give me a call bitch, moan, groan, offer words of support. Get your head out of the sand and do something. Many will either agree or disagree. If you don't have a majority within an organization which agree, then the minority is either right or wrong. If you can convince others to change their opinion then your right. If not accept that you were wrong.

Those running overheads in tow are not bad towers, in fact they were among the best operators I met in Baltimore. They just had not given it as much though, nor been presented the details of such action as I had respresented. None even knew that it what likely unlawful within their state. The towing association of which they were a member had failed them.

It's time to take control make that your goal for 2006. Find like minded individuals in your state and do the right thing. Represent the industry get involved, either by holding an office, making the meetings or making the phone calls.

I thank each and everyone of you who have and will comment here. I see nothing wrong with the direction of this topic, we all seem to want the same thing and that is what is best for the industry and those operators who are at risk.
Don 29 years aka THTDON said:
If this subject had stayed on course, it would be okay. Somewhere along the line, I don't know why, it got nasty. I'll give you my opinion, for what it's worth. First of all, I have been leaving the rear-facing floodlights that are part of the barlight, or mounted high on the barlight stanchion OFF, when I am servicing a car on the interstate highway. I only use the lower spots on the wheel-lift, and the deck mounted lights on the carrier. Why? Because those floodlights mounted high on the barlight or the barlight stanchion BLIND THE LIVING HELL OUT OF ONCOMING TRAFFIC. And blinding oncoming traffic makes it more likely that the tow truck, the tow truck driver, the customer's car, and the customer might get hit. Sometimes I think that it would be more wise to NOT use the barlight at all, if the tow truck, and the car being serviced, is far enough off the road. The flashing lights create a distraction, and as the Wreckmaster instructor said in the seminar that I attended the other day, people tend to drive into the direction that they are looking. As far as driving with the lights on, I know that here in MA, it is not legal to drive to the scene of an accident with the barlight on. We do not have the right to exceed the posted speed, run red lights or stop signs, drive down one-way streets the wrong way, or violate any other law. I agree with the original poster, when he said that it is stupid to be driving along with a car on the deck of a carrier, and no car on the wheel-lift, and have all the lights flashing. I rarely operate the tow truck with the barlight on, while the truck is in motion. If the car is tracking straight behind the truck, and you DO have your draglights on the towed vehicle, AS YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO, then it is like you are pulling a utility trailer behind your truck. When you pull a camper behind your car or truck, do you have a barlight on your car? NO! Towers that drive with every emergency light on the truck flashing all the time have SMALL MAN SYNDROME! "Look at me! I am important!" I agree that people are so used to seeing amber flashing lights, that they just don't mean anything anymore. Maybe we should start using BLUE lights! Actually, we should start conducting ourselves in a more responsible manner on the side of the road. I am truly tired and saddened to constantly read here of our brother towers losing their lives, while practicing their professions.
unknown member said:
In ct I believe we are supposed to run our ct lights in tow with wrecker instead of having magnetic towlights on rear of car. These ct lights are much higher than our light bar they must be eight feet from ground ,and they are as wide as the widest part of our tow truck body.We can use the light bar when at scene.Using light bar or any flashing lights enroute to scene I'm sure is against law.Also must obey all speed limits ,traffic signals , signs ,rules of road, etc.I agree with mike who started post driving flatbed with strobes is not good idea.What I think is some drivers , since we need to use our ct lights in tow[the eight foot tall outer strobes]on wrecker,think it is okay to use the ct lights [that we must have by law]also on our flatbeds while in tow with car on deck only.I think but am not sure on flatbed with two cars must have magnetic tow lights on rear car,because upper and lower tail and turn lights are probably not visible.
I APOLOGIZE if any comments I made earlier have offended anyone.If I said'' my friend told me'' this would be hearsay . I just repeated what I was told. This information was 4-5 years old.I'm sure if it were true there would have been improvements made since then.
Clay said:
Tow lights (drag lights) are required in CT on all tows. Don't use them and pass a Truck cop and you will find it out.......
TowZone said:
I can agree with Tow Lights being required.
However, I have had an education on those
CT Lights.

I wish you guys were kidding us about them,
just whose idiotic idea was that?
Don 29 years aka THTDON said:
I wish that motor vehicle laws were uniform throughout the country. I also wish that the temperature would stay at 68 degrees, with low humidity, all year long. That's not going to happen either!
kstone said:
I personally hate "lights" while driving down the road on a regular tow.If the vehicle is a danger to others of course I use them and I always use drag lights or tow lights which ever you preffer.Now I have gotten a ticket for not using amber flashing lights and I beat the ticket.I told the prosecuter that there was no difference between me and a tractor trailer.
Mike I do have to say that osha class was not what I thought it should of been.There was people there that knew more than the guy giving the class.For one he didnt know that diesel shouldnt go ontop of gasoline that a big nono because of static dischage I knew that from driving tanker.Im not bashing osha or the fact he didnt know that but,he or (OSHA) would not give a straight answer on any thing other than the rite to give you a ticket for doing something wrong.
Kevin Stone
Clay said:
I belive CT lights (the lights on the outside at the back of the cab) came from the days of just one light in the center of the cab.
TowZone said:
If that is accurate then I have a better understanding. Someone should bring the state into the 21st century those look ridiculous, like something from the days of Mayberry. We tear them off around here as we'd look like we were hauling mobile homes. My apologies to those who love them and want to hold on to a tradition.
In Memory of Da Wash Boss who said:
QUOTE FROM RON,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
"the only leader who was a true professional for this so called professional towing association was the late Bob Halprin he knew how to run the thing. the current leader and the former ones were useless and liars."

Danny, get off of it those folks are gone. They actually failed, as they did not see their own mortality. I should hope went I am not longer of this earth that their will be others to carry on the mission of uniting this fine industry. There is more good then bad, the bad keeps us down. If you don't agree with those running the current association DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT and Stop Bitchin. I hear you buddy! I've been there, listen to yourself. Your sounding like a broken record and many here are sick of it.

well ron all i can say is i respect what you say. so for the folks that are gone who made a difference you have no respect for them,,,, so much for the towing hall of fame people i guess they mean nothing either according to you. i have no idea who you are ron but if you think i sound like a broken record then dont read what i write and whoever else does not like it ,,, well they can go pound sand also. everyone has an opinion and i may not like some of the the other peoples opinions and thats to bad if i dont like them so whoever has a problem with my opinions ,,,,well thats just to bad. i do not bash anyone i speak the truth here and say what takes place here. as for doing something about it well i did try to do something i joined the assocation and they cash my check take my money then tottally go against me but thats okay as the president at that time is a spineless coward who cannot face anyone as he would rather stab people in the back, big man he lies to your face just a useless spineless coward who was not a leader and never will be. if he was a real man he would work with the paid members and not stab them in the back. as for the current president he is in it for himself not his membership. i dont really care as i do my thing and they do their thing. so ron hope your not offended by what i say if you are to bad thats life, i like some things people say here and then other things i dont like thats life.

Danny Cassello
East Hartford, CT
"TRPC" The honest one
TowZone said:
Danny, you can't offend me that easily. I like towers with the fire and passion. Those who stand up for what they believe in as I too felt as though I was wronged by the state association. But, that was 20 years ago and I finally got over it but it took this board. It took seeing what associations with enough like minded individuals can accomplish. It took seeing that all Associations Presidents are not in it just to benefit themselves. It took members in a couple of states who could make those changes so they found enough like minded individuals to force those changes or create a new organization to move forward.

Yes, each and every one of those person honored in the hall of fame whom have passed did something in their life to cause them to be recognized. But to dwell on the past will not move the industry forward. It will take a new generation of towers who take charge and make change happen. It's Destiny for some and for others it's a lot of hard work
unknown member said:
I guess the saying '' show them if you got em'' isn't for carriers going down the road with car on bed secured with the four point tie down.
In Memory of Scooby aka Howard Eagen who said:
I wish that motor vehicle laws were uniform throughout the country
unknown member said:
On our wrecker, we dont use the drag lights, which we should, we have wireless tow lights, and they dont work worth a crap, they come on thats it, occasionally we get a signal or 2, Our high mounts are visable when towing a car, but when we do medium duty tows, we=screwed. But its the bosses ticket, because he doesnt keep that stuff up, sooo. and as far as tow lights(the high mounted strobes), I use em, wrecker or flatbed, been stopped for havin em off on a flatbed, warning though.
unknown member said:
Brian townlinetow did you have car on deck with one behind you? Or did you only have one on deck when you received warning. I don't believe you need ct, lights [8' tall outer strobes] with only car on deck.I'm not sure.I also believe you don't need magnetic lights on car behind wrecker only your ct. lights.If I am wrong please someone clarify! I am not saying our laws are the greatest. I think lights on rear of vehicle being towed is good idea.
Clay said:
Federal law You must have tow lights (within 36 inches of the trailing end) They must be park lights, right and left turn, and stop. You are out of service without them. Remember if the worse case senerio happens Lawyers will come after everyone... What will you say on the stand.

Owners why would drivers work for you if you put them in the situation they have to run unsafe. This is a problem I'm running into because I know what is right and don't want to put others (or myself) in harms way. Because of this I can't work at most shops.
In Memory of Da Wash Boss who said:
Hello Clay, CONGRATULATIONS,,,, I am glad someone here in Connecticut wants to do things right. Safety is very important one would think employers would encourage safety. Keep up the good work.

Danny Cassello
East Hartford, CT
"TRPC" The honest one
Clay said:
More on this is to come... But why would I work for a shop without basic safety equipment?
unknown member said:
Are you sure this federal law applys to light duty towing? I am not questioning your knowledge but I want to be on same page.
unknown member said:
I only had a car on the deck, Thats what got me. I thought i was clear because It was just as i was empty, No towed vehicle touching the ground. And I am not happy with a few things up here, but im workin on it with the owner, I drive the flatbed because I wont drive the wrecker without those lights, I watched one of our drivers almost get rear-ended because of it. I dont want it to be me in court defending an owner who didnt care for simple safety procedures.
unknown member said:
You would think since we are all state certified towers, that this is something they would have gone over better in class. They instead gave us a bunch of algebra formulas that we won't remember and can't use anyway because we never know the weights of the things we tow or recover because of the different loads they may have.
Clay said:
First Yes the fed reg apply to you in a light duty truck. Due to a bad ground I was put out of service with a Nissian on the wheel lift because of the lights not working.

"You would think since we are all state certified towers, that this is something they would have gone over better in class. They instead gave us a bunch of algebra formulas that we won't remember and can't use anyway because we never know the weights of the things we tow or recover because of the different loads they may have."
Why don't you know the weights? The vin tag on the door has the weights, the manual, and your AAA tow book. Those formulas will make you look good or kill you on the side of the road, It's really that simple. Yes light duty you are within your safe working limits most of the time but say you got a E350 ambulance, strong 11,000 lbs pulling it up a a 12 degree angle of your bed with the rear axel locked up. Your winch line is rated at 3,050 lbs in like new condition. Is it safe????? What about a Range Rover?
unknown member said:
The vin tag on door does not give the exact weight of loaded vehicle.Sometimes they are overloaded or improperly loaded.I would also say not safe.Can't guess weight on ambulance.Usually overloaded.
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I was told yesterday in a conversation that we needed some topics of controversy like back in the Tow411 Days.


I responded that the Topics on TowForce are not the same as back some 20 years ago. But, if controversy is what interests some and creates new discussions. Then it may be interesting to review topics that seemed controversial to some back in the day. Tell me what you think.

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