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Walking with 70k

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Topic Originally Created by BGtow in December of 2007:


Here is a job that we do quite often- about once a month here lately. Dixie Industries is a company that manufactures some of the equipment that is used in the towing industry such as hooks and clevises. These are made with huge mechanical hammers hitting on hammer bases. Sometimes these bases need to be replaced or sent out for repair. Dixie contacts Doug Yates Wrecker to move these bases in and out of the building. The first one you see is approx. 63000 lbs. It was inside and needed to be moved out to the yard so it could be sent out for repair.












Please understand- we realize that there some limits that are pushed in this particular job. This is the type of job that Doug Yates excels at and always overcomes all challenges.

Thanks for looking,
Brad Grow
Doug Yates Wrecker Service
Chattanooga, TN.


Brett Holcombe said:

How much does this unit weigh?? your truck..


Yates Towing said:

full of fuel about 70,000#

john fenshaw said:

awsome lift and walking job. i walked some heavy pieces out of a fabrication shop too. thanks for posting yates towing keep those pics coming.


Brett Holcombe said:

Thats pretty impressive!! in pic # 2 is that guys right foot under the weight? just kidding don't get bent...


BGtow said:

You know that is actually very funny from my end. I am going to play a little trick on you here in the next few days- stay tuned!!

Brad Grow
Doug Yates Wrecker Service
Chattanooga, TN


danielswt said:

hope them jobs pay very good.

seeing stuff like this makes me confident that i wont have problems on my little bitty truck walking stuff around.




wreckmster said:

That is very impressive. The tires on the rear axle are screaming...that's one hell of a move.


rotator60 said:

That's what you call taking care of a customer..Very impressive..but I'm not surprised..Thanks for sharing..


Eds Towing said:

That's an impressive move. I would be curious how do you bill for something like that? There are only a few pieces of equipment that would be capable of a move like that around.

The Pete probably still has 10K on the steering... That's a bad ass truck.


Brett Holcombe said:

now Im curious ? been playing with a PC450 in my yard lifting it . cant keep the front wheels on the ground & im only lifting one side of the machine???? it weighs about 105000 lbs.. 2 snatch blocks no way then 4 lifted it maybe 6 inches then stood up the front end so this is getting more impressive to me..


Eds Towing said:

If he put the lift axle down it would take weight off of the steer. If it was in the back then it would be grossly overloaded & probably just bottom out. Some guys that chose to put the axle in the rear like Waffco had the axle modified by adding another air bag (3) to help. This is "iffy" but it seems to work for them.


yates towing said:

Our 60 ton with Reyco suspension actually moves this load better than the 70 ton with Hendrickson suspension and the 60 ton is 14" shorter The pivit point on the Reyco is better suited for this move but we have a trick we now use on the Hendrickson that makes them about equal.


I would be afraid to put that kind of weight on a lift axle in the rear fearing busting the air bags. This is example why we dont have air ride on our rotators for jobs like this. Most of Millers spec rotator chassis come with air ride and its just a difference in opinion we have with them. We have had tremendous luck with spring suspension. If we put our front lift axle down it takes about 6,000# off the front end.


Brett Holcombe said:

Good info to know.. Thanks


rotatorman said:

brett that truck is about 4 feet longer than yours and it has hendrickson suspention and that makes a huge differance


daneilswt said:

at what point is enough " enough" ?

i keep looking back and saying wow to myself. i was thinking the same thing mike.looks like there was a little bit of a dip there.





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