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Small roads,Big dump truck

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Topic Originally Created by ELIMINATOR II in August of 2007:


This loaded dump truck was traveling one of the many small roads in the pocono mountains when he lost his brakes on a hill. After hitting several large trees and scattering debris all over the road ,the driver lost control and rolled a few times. most of the tires were flat and the ones that were not flat had broken the dayton wheel hubs , so none of the axles were towable. I called for our trailer and the landoll was on another job so I had them bring out our equipment trailer. Joe drove the all wheel drive freightliner out to help me load the truck. The road was real narrow so I did not want to lift the truck with one wrecker. The pictures look like I was touching the phone lines but I was not close to them. I had to pull the dump truck towards me while uprighting, to stay away from the wires. I could not pull the front to me until it was uprighted, the fuel tank was wedged under the truck and ripped of. Full of fuel of course, so after it was uprighted we had to get the fuel tank off.(lines) WE then lifted the truck and loaded it on the trailer . We did pull the body down but it was bent to the point that it would not go all the way down so we chained it as close as we could before uprighting..The owner of the truck cleaned up the dirt. we loaded all of the debris and parts into the dump body before we uprighted it. It was a hot day and loading the parts in the body after it was up would be like hard work657.gif







Richard Guttmann 
Jowetoww said:
hey me and this guy rich i work with did a wreck just like this the other day i think ours was better than yours.... lol
EdsTowing tubegreen.gif said:
Boy that thing is junk. I talked with Tracy that afternoon and he said his brother was ok so I guess that's all that matters. He hasn't had to good of luck lately but they make new Macks every day.

Joey don't you have another job???
Wade200 said:
Nice job, I really like how you worked "around" the power lines.
Daniel Wade
wstowing11 said:
Ok how did you guys get the Freightliner around to the front ? Did you drive under the power lines, or did you fit between while uprighting it, between the tator and dump ?
Bruce said:
Nice job on the recovery and I love the trucks. Landoll would have been a little eaiser but you got the job done.
Wrecker Mikey said:
Nice job done by the Schlier's crew. Joe you were standing there with your hands in your pocket were your hands cold ?
No Wayne it didnt fit around, we were waiting for the trailer and the township arrived with chain saws and a chipper, I should have taken a picture up the road .anyway we moved the rotator so they could get through and put the freightliner around front.

Ed there are no pictures of the truck with the name on it, I did that for a specific purpose . I know you know some of these people but I do not advertise there misfortune , If it were a company with hundreds of drivers it is one thing, but this is a local small company so I will show pics but I try not to put there name , and everyone in this area knows who tracy is. Please dont do that to my posts. Thanks..
Richard Guttmann 
Joetoww said:
mike i actually had an ass kicking game of pocket pool going on ......i mean uh .....yes my hands were cold
Eds Towing tubegreen.gif said:
Rich, I know what you mean about not showing somebodies misfortune. I block out the names on most every job. I have known these guys for 25 years and have the utmost respect for them. I appreciate the business they have given me in the past and would help them out any time I could. I'm confident that they know this. As far as local people viewing this site, I had 5 people tell me about this wreck before you guys unloaded it....we all know how news travels around here...especially bad news. I stopped to see him, and apparently just missed you guys, to see how he was and to tell him I had a decent CH Mack triaxle here for sale if it would help him. I didn't know the condition of the body at the time. He said he already had a replacement in mind and didn't have time for a project which I could appreciate.
Anyway as far as local people knowing him by his first name, they probably knew about the accident as fast or sooner then I did. Irregardless, I won't comment on your jobs relating to local customers and if I owe this customer an apology, I'll deal with that directly although I don't believe that is the case.
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