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Towing Medium Duty with Agero


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Topic Originally Created on Tow411 by towtegrity in May of 2013:


Does anyone do medium duty towing for agero? I was just wondering if anyone had good experiences or if agero had any decent accounts? Thanks!


rdonchann said:

They call us on occasion with light medium. We tell them since our manager will not contact us to put a rate in the system it will have to be on a cc. Some times they do it, sometimes they don't. Most are just 3500's 350 & 450's. They are a variety of accounts.


EKYtow55 tubeyellow.gif said:

We do but its just mostly what you incur with new car warranty problems, Ford F250 & F350's , Dodge Ram 2500 & 3500's , GM 2500 & 3500's to the dealers.
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towtegrity said:

Thanks guys I was wondering what kind of accounts they had! We have a pretty good relationship with our rep but I didn't want to bring it up to him unless we were serious about it. Do you guys also work with Allstate for medium duty? If you do is there any activity with them? We were just starting to get into medium duty towing so any tips or advice would be great! Thanks!


ABCDISCOUNT tubered.gif said:

We do them on p.o. both by contract and flat rate but expect to get "IN AUDIT" the first time it comes up for payment and paid in full the second time it comes up for payment .(That is two pay cycles) I like to quote medium and heavy duty on a flat rate with Agero and still take their p.o. number .When I do this I do not roll until I have a supervisor name and extention and agreed job quote on a fax ...................On local dealership medium duty towing that is simple we just take a p.o. add what extras that are needed and bill it by the contract .

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