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Topic originally created by Jerryc4 in 2013:


I just did a recovery for them yesterday.  I am not on contract with them, I set my price and they said fine ask if I would take a PO I said yes. Recieved a call from them today they paid me over the phone didn't ask any questions. I have to say after reading several post last night I was worried that I would not get my money, but have to say they were good to me.


In Memory of Charlie Amann who said:

get a lottery ticket they will burn u down if you let them


ESC tubegreen.gif said:

I got sent to a tow in a driveway to a local body shop. I had assumed it was a typical fender bender type call, to deliver to the body shop for nationwide. We do not do ANY recovery work for Agero. I get there and find a car had slid down a driveway on ice, off the driveway down the STEEP hill resting against trees. Whole right side of the car wiped out. Windows broken, etc.

I called in to agero to see how they wanted to handle it, as i refused to do it for their rates. After 15 min of back and forth with the dispatcher and being on hold... they couldnt get me "approval". The car owner was getting aggravated with agero too, as i had them on speaker phone the whole time. They just wanted the car taken out of there. I told Agero i would perform the recovery at the owners request and i would call back once i was finished with the total $$$. Today Agero called us and paid in full at our retail recovery rates, and paid in full at retail to deliver the car to the body shop.


In Memory of NationalAutow tubegreen.gif who said:

I think they only give problems to their contracted providers.

They call us every once in a while and I still will not do their work at any price until they pay me everything they shorted us years ago when we were a contracted tower.

I really should just charge them triple rates and pay up front by card. I just can't bring myself to do anything for them because of their attitudes.


Niemans Towing tubeyellow.gif said:

My contract says 50.00 per hr for winch outs we got paid 25.00 Oh yea called for jump start car would not start so they had us tow it had to use go jacks & dollys and wasthis was added on the po# guess what we got paid for just a tow not the mileage or jump start or dolly fee they can quit calling me asap



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