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Topic Originally Posted on Tow411 in September of 2012:

In Memory of Charlie Amann


How do you burn up a transmission on a 2000 Toyota Camry when all 4 wheels are off the ground towing on dollies??


Am i missing something here??? $50.00 LRA member who i have a signed receipt for over miles with a vehicle walk around form w/damage release. A $50.00 charge extra for dollies 72.00 total over there 50.00 limit. $122.00 total.


Then 3 weeks later we get a claim saying we smoked their transmission on a 265,000 mile Toyota. Their damage team says that even with these docs we are responsible for this with all 4 wheels off the ground.


I tried it again with them after the low baller got 7 of his trucks repo/ed and they started calling again and i should of known better. No loyalty at all with them.


Weboslh said:

Could I ask a question? When agero called did they tell what had happened to the vehicle as to why it needed to be towed? If you used dollies in my opinion that would have been better than a flat-bed. Nothing against flat-beds as I have a whl-lift wrecker and a flat-bed. With the f.bd. you would have to pull vehicle on truck. With whl-lft and dollys you pick it up where it lies.

I personally believe the car was smoked before you got there, told agero a different story for the tow, mechanic said "oh-oh," and you got hanged.
I don't blame you a bit, but, I'm just bein' nosey. I hate to see a tower take it on the chin when he's doing his job properly. Good luck, sir.


In Memory of Charlie Amann who said:

UPDATE !!! Anthony Goodwin called today and said they really need to get this settled. So they offered to take the 2500.00 out over two months of my calls that we would run for them.


Guess they figured out that there is not enough funds owed to me to take so do u really think i would run your calls for free. Do i have stupid wrote on my uniform. Do they really think that they have the power over any company that they pull this nonsense. Glad i made the decision to kick them to the curb. Fellow owners learn from this about there ways. They are not worth the trouble anymore.


In Memory of NationalAutow who said:

You would think that the Better Business Bureau, National Federation of Independent Businesses, or Federal Trade Commission would look at these situations.

It also seems that if these were not true stories, Agero would sue someone to protect their "good" name that they recently changed.


EKYtow55 said:

Charlie where is their proof you done any damage, second it would be up to your insurance carrier to pay or deny any claim, thats why we carry insurance and they know that, you can't simply say you damaged it and deduct from your payments and if the did I would make a trip up to them and black a few eyes and bust a few kneecaps!!!


In Memory of Charlie Amann who said:

Well as your guys all know with these guys they change the rules always for them. They do and will take your money just me on this. Like i said be very careful when working with them so you dont get burnt. Because its just a matter of time before you do.


ABCDiscount said:

With any club damage claim situation that we know to be total customer fraud we beat everyone to the punch and turn it in on our insurance . This takes the customers scheme and the clubs lay down attitude off the table . It works everytime to find the truth .........................Have you noticed its always the 47% crowd that takes that pot shot at the tow company . Everything else in their life is someone elses fault and free why not their auto repair ???..........................


In Memory of NationalAutow who said:

I guess I see what you are saying. This turns it into insurance fraud and insurance companies don't like that.

It's too bad that the MC's couldn't be held liable under these scenarios................................................. Or could they?


In Memory of Charlie Amann who said:

UPDATE!!!! Elgero took $530.00 out of my last draw with no notice. I knew they would do this so we ran 3 secondary cc# from them and never ran the calls and goa'd them and kept there money. They took my money so i took there money. Be fair warned it will happen to you too so be ready when you get a bullshit damage claim like we did. I am very happy i beat them at there game. That was the last straw and i hope you guys dont depend on them to survive. I have learned that there are more ways to make a buck with a towing company then working for these non professional people who are not loyal to any of us. Good luck you guys


Diesel Wrecker said:

Request the break down of the damage and see if the unit have burn wet clutches inside.If it does sue the customer for defamation of character. We have done it twice we paid the customer their damage and have them sing a disclaimer about the payment.. once the transmission is apart by the shop or mechanic or dealer , We request to get the old parts back if the clutches are burned you have a case. We also have sue cross country for allowing this.


In Memory of Charlie Amann who said:

Its been three weeks not having them blow up our phone and i will tell u its been so much better without them. Yes the clutches in that trans were smoked and i no high mileage and old age is what did that trans in not towing it with all 4 wheels off the ground. I am a ASE master auto tech and hd truck tech and i have rebuilt many trnasmissions over the years. i already got my money like i said so im fine with not working for them. They are the only motorclub we have ever had issues with damage claims. we are not perfect by any means and we take care of issues when they come up but im not paying for damage that we did not due. Its there loss not mine because we had great number with them


Diesel Wrecker said:

I agree. You will be better off without them. That motor club business practices is not what you need for your business.

Good luck.


thtdon said:

A few months back, I got a damage claim made against me for a call that I never even did.  I took the P/O from the damage claim sheet, and looked up the call.  I remember the call.  I searched the highway 5 miles in each direction, and never found the car.  I got a $15 GOA, and that was it.  After I pointed that out to them, that was the last that I heard about it.  If I ended up shelling out money for that car, revenge would have already been dispensed!



TowZone said:

Majority of these issues could likely be dealt with if not for a gag order placed on the rep to deter them from participation in this forum. Motor Clubs that care have been active here to some degree, those that do not lurk. I cannot and will not condemn the reps as this is a corporate decision and the few high quality reps they have would like to make such issues go away promptly, rather than have them hang around for months. But then we never really know just how many quality reps each club has at a given time. The best seem to jump from one club to another.


In Memory of NationalAutow who said:

Good point Ron -
Just as we expect our employees to carry out our policies (even if they do not agree with them), the MC's are the same. It is appropriate to remember that the individuals are only doing what they are told to do.


thtdon said:

I got a call today to tow a 1996 Honda Accord to a shop in the next town.  The faxed call sheet said that the car had a "mechanical malfunction", whatever that is.  The customer called me to inform me that the car also had 4 flat tires, so I needed a flatbed.  I asked the customer when the last time that the car was operated.  He told me that the car had been sitting for over 7 years.  So it stands to reason that it is likely that the car probably won't move at all, since the brakes are probably rusted to the drums.  I told the guy that I wanted to look at the car before I towed it.  Like a lot of these weird calls, it sounds like another insurance claim waiting to happen.  The guy flipped out on me, and canceled the call.  Chances are, the shop that the car was going to, VIP Auto, had no interest in working on that car in the first place.  VIP is like Pep Boys, Midas, etc.  Places like that only do the work that is listed on the menu board.  Resurrecting  a car that belongs in the crusher is not what they do.  But the customer is always right!

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