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Geri Roskopf's Blog - "TOW" — The Office Worker


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GeriRoskopf.jpg.a71b9a2766e9123d1cd16e1c       Acronyms-qetu9iuzqi9fdfahtgwni2adt9zyqv8uo7a33cbmu4.jpeg

Geri Roskopf


The government is famous for using acronyms — abbreviations from the initial letters of words — for many of their agencies, programs, etc.


For example, some acronyms we are familiar with are the FMCSA, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, and DOT, Department of Transportation.


Sometimes acronyms drives me crazy, especially if they’re used without an explanation of what they stand for. Many times, someone who uses an acronym in correspondence assumes the person reading it knows what they are talking about. You can sometimes figure it out because of the name of the company, or the type of industry, but there are times when you are at a complete loss.


A tow lady friend and I were talking about the different duties and skills that someone who works in the office of a small towing company would need. Like her, I do many of the jobs of personnel who are employed by larger companies such as dispatchers, office assistants, managers, payroll and accounting clerks, receptionists, etc.


A little while after our conversation, she sent me an email with an acronym that I liked, and I got a chuckle out of it:  TOW – The Office Worker!


A very appropriate acronym for what she and I do, don’t you think?

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