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Why don't tow truck companies pick up all auto parts from an accident on the freeway?


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Good video that mentions tow operator dangers. This topic surfaces every now and then. There's more than many reasons debris is seen on the highway, not always the fault of tow truck drivers. Motorists should be more concerned with responders working on highway shoulder. Thanks CHP for sticking up for towers on this one.       R.

Randall C. Resch

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  • 11 months later...

They try their best, but have you seen people drive? Literally 1 inch away from the Tow truck going 80 mph. Our drivers have families they want to come home to so if it's too dangerous they cannot get every piece of broken car pieces. It is the law to slow down and move over in ALL 50 states. California has about 7% of drivers who actually follow that law so unless Californians slow down and move over, that will not be possible. 

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