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Hi Quest it's a year now.


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Last year about this time Quest called me to tow a car to the scrap yard.  When I got there I see it's a E-350 Diesel van.  I call them and tell them NO it is a MD tow by the hr not a car by the mi. The lady was nice and said she would change it.  This took over 30 min . Now when we got there they were closed for the Christmas party.  

So now I had to go 20+ min down the road to get rid of it.  I called Quest and no answer but left a message , maybe they were having there Christmas party!  

Well dozens of calls and messages and no call back. A few months ago when they called for a job I told them CC only because they OWE me / Next day someone did call and he wanted to know why I didn't contact them sooner !  I told him I tried dozens of times.  NOW he said it is too long of a period to pay me.  

George Geissinger

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