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Towing Hilo side The big Island

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Couldn’t find an appropriate forum for this maybe here?


My sister moved to Mountain View Hawaii it’s not far from Hilo. I helped her house hunt, move and have been back a number of times remodeling her house. 

In my travels there I’ve been all over the areas south and west of Hilo. How do you bid and tow from many of these unimproved un maintained roads. I do a fair amount of mountain tows and winch outs here in the Cascade mountains which few do. But man is the Big Island loaded with homes on some seriously rough roads. Between the abuse your equipment goes through, the unknown travel times not to mention how poor the gps and phone services are I  can’t imagine bidding work there. Theres got to be a lot of broken vehicles but how do you remain profitable. Some of these roads make our abandoned logging roads seem like paved highways and they go on for miles and there’s homes all over them. We viewed a couple houses on roads I have no idea how you’d keep a car on a wheel lift on a wrecker let alone get a roll back into. 

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