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Geri Roskopf's Blog: - One More Call


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From Geri Roskopf's Blog:


I’m a tow operator, on my last call of the day.

Thinking of what’s for dinner, whistling as I go out the door on my way.


Pull up to the vehicle I’m going to tow, but don’t see the owner — not a good sign.

Check to see if the owner is around. No such luck. Call the number. Will be back in five — said that would be fine.


Waited and waited, 20 minutes go by.

Asking my myself, “now? Really? Why?


Owner shows up and throws me the key. Doesn’t say a word — not “hi”, “sorry,” or “here you go.”

I shake my head, hook up, and do the tow.


Check my watch — timing is not too bad. I can still get home to dinner with the family.

Communicate that I’m clear with dispatch, and start to pull away when I’m asked if I would take one more call – it would be appreciated — greatly.


Big sigh on my end. Such is the life of a tow operator — always — “can you take one more?”

Definitely not a 9-to-5 job. Hoping the family will understand — again — I’ll be late walking in the door.


Finally get back to the shop and the boss is there.

Says “thank you for taking another call. I appreciate the extra you do, and with care.”


She understands. Her thanks mean a lot. That’s what it’s all about.

Hands me a little something to take the family out for a treat. Nod my head, and finally punch out.


Thinking while I heat up my dinner plate, that sharing a special dessert with the family will be great.


View the full article and more on TowTimes.com

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