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Motorcycle tow on an MPL40


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12-05-17: ESC Wrote,

One of our guys grabbed this bike yesterday due to a flat tire. Towed it about 20 miles away for repair.




Melville said:

did he use motorcycle attachment or improvise?


ESC replied:

Yes. We have the jerrdan attachments for it.

It is doable without. But the attachment makes things a bit more secure.


someotherplace said:

Yeah, I was going to comment that I prefer claws "open" so they support the rear tire, and strap the tire to them as an additional safety - but then I saw they were using the attachment.


melville said:

where can i get a motorcycle attachment for the mpl40, and how much?


ESC replied:

Mine came from Jerr Dan, but I think Condor makes a kit for them now.


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49 minutes ago, AmerideckMidwest said:

How many bikes can it pick up at once?  Can it handle a Can-Am Spyder of other tricycles?


One at a time with this truck.  I have a trailer if I need to handle multiple.  I havent towed a Spyder, cant say for sure, as I dont have any experience with one.


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