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Steller Roadside


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03-14-14: EdwardsTowing said,

Just wondering if anyone has heard of Steller Roadside 
Kevin Edwards - Wreck Master 071284
Hal17000 said:
I researched the personal name on the website and it shows the person is affiliated with A Towing out of Toronto. Whether he still is or not remains to be found out. 
towdriver said:
If you get a call from Stellar Road Side watch yourself. If you want more information pm me.
Mjorgenson said:
I have done two calls for Stellar ( 1 light & 1 heavy ) . I submitted both at my rates by fax and was paid in a reasonable amount of time. It is A Towing and I believe it is set up to supply service to their commercial accounts that may have issues outside the GTA ?     Mark
Canadiantowman said:
here it is straight from there web-site. http://atowing.ca/stellar
beaucecarnavalman said:
Its a joint venture between CAA South Central Ontario and A Towing as stated on the website.
speedytow said:
Stellar Roadside is where Minister Mac Charles made her announcement yesterday.

If you heard rumours about CAA being chosen to dispatch your accidents, etc. you might want to take them seriously.

This is a private entity being leveraged against you by the huge power of a not for profit that sells insurance and is clearly backed by government.
Do something about it now. Go to www.ofit.ca and register your support for Trade certification. Steve
towdriver said:
Stellar Roadside is just another name for A Towing. It is the same idea as roads Canada taking care of ARI calls. One company calls you to do a call for them then marks up the bill for the next company who marks up the bill more for the customer. All it ends up doing is costing the customer more and make the towing company who did the job look like the bad ones. It not the government at all just a private company trying to make more money at others expense.
tcsc1 said:
Hear you there, did a call for Road Canada a while back somehow my $500.00 call ended up cost the customer $1,700.00. Now that's how you make profit!! D
towdriver said:
Yeah makes us honest one look, now how was it put? 
“I think the towing industry is worse than those guys in Somalia, At least the pirates let you know what they’re up to. They stick a gun in your face and take your ship and your money. When it comes to towing, you don’t even know you’re getting robbed until you see the bill.”
Scottcd said:
Just curious how you found out Denis? Someone make you out to he the pirate? Scott
tcsc1 said:
Fella that ultimately paid the bill called when his credit card got charged for the winch out. He was looking for a copy of the bill to balance his statement. Kicker was he had been charged on his C/C but we hadn't received payment AND R/C had more than doubled the bill! I made sure he knew what we had invoiced and any time we get dispatched by them now I let the customer know what the bill is upfront. This particular fleet, the guys now "eliminate the middle man" and deal with me direct.
Nothing wrong with marking up a subcontractor, but that was a little much. D
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