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Nebraska Towers - Take the TIM CHALLENGE


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Topic Originally Create on Tow411 in September of 2014.



 30 September 2014

 To The Nebraska Tow Truck Association, Membership, and ALL Professional Towers in Nebraska:

 I write to ask of you to consider the following narrative … CHALLENGE to all members of your state’s association.

In the September 2014 Issue of American Towman Magazine, I CHALLENGED all towers to attend a FREE Traffic Incident Management Course. It simply requires four hours of the driver’s time with hope and intent to change the way we towers and first responders work on America’s highway.

I write to ask that you will forward a copy of my CHALLENGE to all of your membership. This is topic specific training every tower, tow business owner and their company’s dispatcher must attend … it’s life-saving information.

FACT: Lessons learned substantiates that tow operators are injured and killed working America’s highways because they were working the traffic-side. I believe that companies don’t provide enough white-line (traffic-side) training to best prepare their employees with best on-scene practices. Unless towers firmly grasp the root causes that lead to our own mortality, we’ll continue to repeat the same bad habits that get tower’s killed.

FACT: Towers don’t like change, but change is desperately necessary. If you’ve been following the cause and effect of tow operator fatalities, you’ll also have read tow attorney Michael Mc Govern’s posts, calling for a Blue Ribbon Study or some happening that ultimately brings an end to needless tower fatalities. Accordingly, I’m promoting the motto that says … “Not me, not today!”

I recently attended the National 12-Hour Train-the-Trainer / Traffic Incident Management (TIM) Course to renew my teaching methodologies. The class was outstanding as it regards on-scene safety and survival. Available to tow owners, tow operators, dispatchers, as well as multiple disciplines working America’s highways and city incidents, is a 4-hour TIMs Course for first responders and roadside workers. I found the course’s material to be what every tower should know to fully understand that best safety practices, habits and awareness’s come from within. In my opinion, the course was the best course I’ve attended in years. And, having been in this industry better than 48-years, I’ve grown tired of tower’s bad attitudes and excuses relating to their safety.

I CHALLENGE all industry trainers to attend a Train-the-Trainer Course so to teach towers proper on-scene safety. Tow owners; it’s your responsibility to care about your driver’s longevity and survival, so sending them to a TIMs Course benefits their safety, your company’s professionalism, and your company’s vicarious liability. Towers; don’t wait for your bosses to send you to this course. Take it on your time or take time off to attend. Don’t be stuck in a routine that isn’t 110% at the top of your game. Don’t make excuses and say, “I’ve been doin’ it this way for twenty-years and nothings happened to me yet.” That’s an ignorant response and makes you being a victim closer than you think.

Attending TIMs is the catalyst that makes you better anticipate those, “what-if situations”, that are danger close on every call. Take the course because you owe it to yourself, your family, your friends, and your community to come home EVERY NIGHT. If you’re as professional as you think you are, then your professionalism and long-term survive-ability demands you attend this course.

Move-Over Laws don’t work; all the lights, cops, sirens, ANSI vests and cones are simply a false sense of security. Don’t sit back and blame motorists and distracted driving for killing roadside workers, there’s something you can do about it. If you’re out there towing cars without assistance, you‘ve got to rely on YOUR best practices or you too might be killed. It’s for these reasons, I challenge all towers to attend TIMs to make you better aware of the dangers you face on-scene. Get smart and attend a FREE 4-hour Traffic Incident Management Course in your areas.

FACT: Word ARE cheap. Actions speak louder than words. Attending a FREE 4-Hour TIMs Course (in your area) will increase your chances of survival. And, when you’ve completed your course, e-mail to me a copy of your Certificate of Completion as proof that you’re TIMs smart. I’d like to know that you’re doing everything possible to keep yourself out of harm’s way … and, taking a TIMs course is the first-step in changing old mentalities and excuses that could possibly save your life. Tower Professionals; take destiny into your own hands and accept this CHALLENGE.

I’m spreading this CHALLENGE to as many Medias as I possibly can. If you haven’t attended TIMs, it’s easy to say you’re not as prepared as you might think you are. FACT:  Too many towers simply fly by the seat of their pants. Are you one of them’? If you need contact information for your state, send me an e-mail requesting the same and I will send you your TIMs coordinators to contact and find a TIMs Course nearest to you. Being TIMs trained is one huge step in decreasing needless tow operator fatalities.

I’m asking 500-towers (or more) to get TIMs trained by the end of 2014. Are you up to the CHALLENGE? Do it now and send me a copy of your certificate at ]rreschran@gmail.com

 Thank you for considering this course.
Most Sincerely
Randall C. “Randy” Resch
Operation’s Editor
American Towman Magazine
California Highway Patrol Approved Instructor
Hall of Fame Inductee #299
Writer, Seminar Presenter, Tow Business Consultation
Retired Veteran Police Officer

Randall C. Resch


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