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Ever have pheasant under glass?

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Topic originally created by Mr Waialae Chevron in 2005:


This is what happens at 150 MPH!





Here's to mud in your eye.


ibuytoys said:

Direct hit!!"The Impossible Just Takes A Little Longer!"
danielswt said:
thats just nasty! emoticonpoke.gif imagine being the driver and getting covered in that crap? !!!emoticoncussing.gif--- Daniel ---
"im only stuck a lil"www.southwesttowing.com


" Don't tell us how good you are, show us! "
tommytows said:
WOW , bet that driver left a stain in the seat as well. thats one of them , come here, you aint going to believe this S.... stories.
datowman said:
at least he has no problems tracking his kill for dinner later. Stay Safe

behind every great man who has come forth.....is a blonde cleaning up the mess he made.

Stay Safe
life is not determined by the path we choose to walk down, but by how we choose to walk down our path.
Stevo said:
That's really nasty. I don't envy the guy that has to detail that mess. And he better hurry before the heat gets to it. You'll never get rid of the smellemoticonthud.gifSteve

When a man tells you that he got rich through hard work, ask him: 'Whose?'

Choice Towing & Recovery
Fredericksburg, Va
If you need help in our area 540-372-6636
In Memory of DNDTOWINGCOM who said:
Honey, I picked up dinner on the way home.emoticondriving.gifemoticonthumbs.gif~Dann

Vegas Heavy Haul Inc.
dba. Big Valley Towing
Las Vegas, NV.

If they had only known.
Where did he find a road long and straight enough to go 150 mph in the islands?
Mr Waialae Chevron said:
Sorry for the confusion guys...I did not do this job, these are pictures sent to me from a buddy on the east coast.
Here's to mud in your eye.
Heffy004 said:
Ya, Barney.....
That looks like a hit from a wild turkey.

No folks......it ain't my pic......BUT......

We do tow about 2 or 3 a year from a turkey hit.

They can damn near total out a smaller car.

Catch ya & C'ya
Mr Waialae Chevron said:
I will validate Heffy's claim...these pics did not come from him.

I think these are making the internet rounds, they came from my cousin in MA.

I am not sure, but the plate looks German? So maybe he was on the Autobahn?Wailai2.jpg
Here's to mud in your eye.
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