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And Then There Were Two....

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Got a call yesterday for a car that ran off the interstate & over the bank. Gave the guy a price to start but explained that we wouldn't dispatch unless he was on scene and verified that the car was still there since it happened the previous night during the storm. Don't want to drive around looking for a car that the police had towed the night before.... So, the customer arrives and calls back to give it a go...




So we get on scene & find the police there...and a 4wd Dodge truck over the bank as well?




So it turns out that the guys buddy who brought him out there, decided he could probably get it out...and backed over the bank as well! 





So we asked them why would you do that if you already called for a wrecker? You know the real answer... But then he was surprised that the price was going up to do both jobs? LoL...





Some people....




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