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Wyoming Highway Patrol


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I briefly read over the contract and from what I see it is very straight forward and clear.   I think it is reasonable standards to follow.  We are going through some changes in PA with the state police changing their rules this year, and the generic contract is nowhere near as clear as the one shown above.


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WHP said in the meeting that they would prefer to do the changes by policy rather then let the Legislature do it by law. Most of what is being looked at is good but many are not happy with the direction things are heading towards. Of course those tend to be the problem companies. Those that are on the Advisory Board are under a confidentiality agreement but I have gotten a few hints from them on what is going into the actual policy. A question I brought up to the WHP was are they going to enforce the new policy any better then the current policy. Of course they really didn't answer that question very well.

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52 minutes ago, Sheridan said:

WHP said in the meeting that they would prefer to do the changes by policy rather then let the Legislature do it by law. Most of what is being looked at is good but many are not happy with the direction things are heading towards. Of course those tend to be the problem companies. Those that are on the Advisory Board are under a confidentiality agreement but I have gotten a few hints from them on what is going into the actual policy. A question I brought up to the WHP was are they going to enforce the new policy any better then the current policy. Of course they really didn't answer that question very well.

I think that is a good idea too.... they seem to be doing a good job of it all..... but as you said, enforcement will be key.  We are seeing alot of that in PA... they are making rules and then not following through with it.  We had our inspection a few weeks ago for the state police and they basically showed up and saw we had a few trucks and fence and did not care to check anything else.  Now I am not worried as all of our things are in line... but I want to see them checking on those that dont and enforcing the same rules that we work to abide by.


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We are close to having everything in place that we suspect they are going to require. We do need more reflective traffic control signs and we already have a Storage a Disposal License. We need to add about 130 feet to a fence line we share with another property that is already fenced where we tore a building down years ago. We do know of some tow companies that will be going away. They won't be able to get the Storage and Disposal license. They will need a letter from whoever is over the zoning for the business location and the storage lot stating they are in a properly zoned area. Its something the WHP should have been required years ago being it is already in state law but never enforced. It will also be interesting to see how  companies that have shell companies to gain more rotation slots are going to deal  part of changes that won't allow them on the WHP Rotation lists like they are now.

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