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We Haul.....

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Had a call the other day for a Uhaul that blew the engine and they wanted to take it 90 miles to their repair center in NJ. We informed them that we could do it in the morning and there wasn't any urgency @ 1:30 in the am...




Get on scene and there's a car blocking it. No answer at door or phone so I left it. Returned later in the day to get it after they called back but I wasn't going to Jersey & fight with traffic on a Friday night so I returned it to the shop and took it this morning...






Made for a decent ride...

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7 hours ago, mooresbp said:

Any pics of the hook up Ed?

Sorry George, no I didn't. I basically chain sling these from the rear if they are empty. They have a galvanized bumper so there isn't any paint to scratch. It's probably not intended to be used in this fashion but honestly I have done it many times. I have GR100 3/8 recovery chains on this truck that are about 4' long. They have a grab hook on 1 end and a mini J on the other. There are T slots at the rear of the frame on the Fords. The biggest concern is I wish it had negative tilt so I could get the T head flatter. If you remove the stop bolt on the bottom, you can pick up another 4-5 deg of tilt I guess but I haven't done it myself.

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Have thought about taking that stop out but never have. Some times have issue's on a car that is tilted toward the ditch on a road with narrow shoulders.

Thanks Ed!

George - - Moore's BP
We'll see you on down the road

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On 9/15/2024 at 7:18 AM, dperone said:

I keep a wrench handy to take those bolts out when I have to sling stuff, iirc it's a 3/8. Makes a difference and only takes a couple seconds, just have gloves on because it's greasy. 

My son could probably just leave the pin out...he's much better at the camera view when setting the boom up to go under a vehicle. Mine's all scratched up from rubbing the stones when hooking up...good thing I own a body shop...LoL

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