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For the Dodge Truck Lovers

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Topic Originally Created by 83Brigadier in March of 2013:


Picked this up today for a friend.  Just a short tow to the next town over.  I think he said it is a 1948.


Strapped the doors and hood shut to prevent surprises.  I saw a '65 chevy the other day on a carrier with the door wrapped around against the fender.


Winched from the rear.  It took up most of my 22' deck.


Chained down and rolled.


When I was on my way back from another call last night, I thought I would stop in and see what I might need, there was a guy working

there who thought I should just load it onto my 3500 carrier with a 17' deck.  He didn't think it had an engine so it would be ok.


JTFormula said

Very cool old iron. What are the plans for it?


Rich Lichty tubeyellow.gif said:

That appears to be around a '39 to '42 Dodge. I have a '42 Fargo that looks the same. If I knew how to post photos I would share.


83Brigadier said:

The guy just bought it for his 13 year old son to work on.  This family has a 65 Chevelle, a Chevy II and An El Camino all in various stages. 

He does commercial sandblasting.  He has a sandblasting booth in his garage and a tow behind compressor that he takes to jobsites. 

He sandblasts frames and bodies for all the local hot rodders on rotisseries in the garage.

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