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Open Houses and Running Calls


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We turned 70 years old this year and are planning a customer appreciation/ open house to celebrate. I was wondering if anyone else ever did one and if so what activities did you have; i.e. wrecker demos, touch a truck, food, music, etc. Also, how did you guys handle running calls? Did you take only emergent calls and decline all the rest or have a skeleton crew try to handle everything? Any comments will be appreciated.

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You might break the time of the event into segments and have only certain drivers run during their slot, that way everyone can participate in the event. That is a big milestone, congrats.

For activities, BBQ competition between customers with trophies as well as bragging rights, car show, toy drive for Christmas, maybe raffle off a car or two.

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Congrats! A demo for a hour maybe set up a few wrecks, winch outs, and rollovers. For calls a skeleton shift running what you choose or just handle only pd and emergency calls with a rotation of crew. A bbq or food buffet yeah, some tunes sure depends on how big also of a turnout think you will have. A nice thing to bring the community out.

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