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Old news, but not that old, about injured driver


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On July 5th 2007 - Forgivenone added this topic:


Press Release:

Mamainse Harbour, Ont.,

A tow truck driver was seriously injured over the weekend while attempting to get a vehicle out of the ditch near Mamainse Harbour.

On Saturday 23 June 2007 officers with the Sault Ste Marie OPP were at the scene of a single motor vehicle crash about 4 km north of Mamainse Harbour. A car had attempted to pass other traffic and lost control when it hit the gravel shoulder. The car skidded across the roadway and rolled over into the ditch.

The two occupants of the car were wearing their seatbelts and were lucky to only receive minor injures.

A tow truck from Sault Ste Marie attended the scene and was removing the car from the ditch. The cable attachment on the truck snapped and the hooking mechanism flew back and hit the tow truck driver in the face.

The tow truck driver was taken to Sault Area Hospital by ambulance with serious head injuries. He has been admitted to hospital and had to under go surgery.

Tow Truck Driver Injured Update

News Release -- SooNews.ca -- Monday, June 25, 2007, 9:52AM

Update By Trevor Luck

SooNews received the following email from Trevor:

Hey Guys;

I just want to add a little bit of a correction to "Tow Truck Driver Injured".
This is my step father in-law who was involved in the accident.

Although he took a pretty nasty hit to the head causing some deep laserations
to his face, and some damage to his nose he was released that night from the hospital.

He did not require any surgery done and is currently at home recovering.

I like to report he is doing well, but just wanted to add he did not require any surgery for this incident.

Nothing a cold beer could not fix.



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