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TowTimes.com - What’s in it For Me?


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From Geri Roskopf's Blog:


When it comes to joining a state or national towing association, over the years I’ve heard the question, “What’s in it for me? What do I get by being a member?”


We all can become frustrated when we believe issues or concerns are not being addressed or resolved fast enough by our towing associations. I believe communication is the key, but also, what, as a member, is your responsibility to the association?


Do you keep up-to-date on issues that concern the towing and recovery industry? Do you ask questions about things you don’t understand or need clarification on? Do you give your thoughts, opinions — and maybe some ideas — to the association staff and the board to find solutions to problems? Do you network with other members, staff and board members? Do you ask how you can become more involved?  Volunteer your time and talent? When legislation is passed that is good for our industry, do you ever let staff or board members know they are doing a good job, and thank them?

It’s a two-way street, as they say. Being a member of any organization is give and take. There has to be benefits and involvement from everyone in order for an association to be successful.


What’s in it for you? It just might be the same benefits the association gets. Take the time to find out.




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You are correct, it does work both ways, or is supposed to. I joined my state association the very week I started my company, I initiated meetings among my competitors in my area and convinced most of them to join. I was nominated and elected into a leadership role for my area, and attended state association meetings regularly. For 10 years I attended,contributed,and voiced opinions, all to no benefit. My state association was more interested in the voices and opinions of the "Big Boys" companies established in major metro areas, or ones with dozens of trucks in their fleet, or the ones that specialized in heavy tows. They had little use for the voices of the majority of their membership, the mom & pop companies, the two to four truck operations, or ones in rural areas with older equipment, little use but for our membership dollars

It has been 10 years since I stopped being a "member", most of the people I convinced to join also have fled the union, for many of the same reasons I suspect. Times may have changed and maybe administration of the association may have changed, but my experience of being treated less than equal or taken for granted has not.

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@Melville I hear you and it has been nearly the same across the country for a few decades now. I will say that I have seen some associations making more of an effort to turn that around. Involving companies in their training has lead some back into the group. What is the incentive, members save on training expense compared to non members. Also, the training has advanced as well and that is something will will be exploring more over the next few months. What types of training are these association conducting now compared to just a few years ago.


Also, while advanced training may have been something a number of companies avoided in the past. That is getting much more difficult today and taking the training has save companies money compared to those that didn't take the training. How you ask, my response is both Time & Money. Time is Money and Damages which could have been avoided save both Time & Money.


There is also a safety aspect, most companies preach roadside safety. However, they do not teach roadside safety. So, I can relate to the frustrations of the Good Old Boy Associations of the past. Though, they seem to have faded over the past few years. Maybe someone involved with those Towing Associations can chime in here.

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TowZone., When you're right you're right, I too am a big proponent of training, both in house and academic. I am not aware of a substantial economic advantage of association membership in advanced training courses  or seminars, mostly a minute discount vs membership fee to get it. I send my guys to wreckmaster, after a year in service, at my expense. I actively search for any safety seminars near me or online and make that available as well. I am old school but not hard headed and an open to suggestions or advise from outside source, such as this site, or my drivers, or other professionals.

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