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This guy was on a bad roll  


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Topic Originally Create by Max King in October of 2006:


Had this one yesterday afternoon. After they put it in the ditch they tried to pull it out with a grader but could not get the roller out of the ditch. Did not have a lot of room to work with the narrow road. I used tree for a dead man, thought I might have trouble setting with the new gravel on the road.
It come out real nice and everbody was happy. They did not have any idea what it weighed but getting the roller and the frame work out of the ditch took a little tug.
















KW5030 said:

Nicely done Thank goodness for the trees, huh? Makes you kinda wonder what if the trees were not there? Then what? I think of that too after the job is done.




it the trees were not there then it would be a bigger road.
Nice job with that recovery. Amazing how easy those roll when you are working on them ..


SlimSanta said:

The Holmes tree does exist, but not very often in this area. Bruce do you think you could have pulled that out with just two two-parted lines, with more of a pull down on the rear? Also I try not to run a live line though gravel and then though a snatch block. One litte rock can ruin your day. Just my 4 cents worth.Dakota Service & Repair, Brookings, SD


Ed Barker said:

Looks like a real decent rigging job,I agree you would of had a time holding your truck on that road,those tree's do wonders,,,,did you have them help with the machines power???,I see a lot of fellers that just pull things like that out dead weight and just can't understand what there thinking??????,,,,,



john fenshaw said:

you do a lot of nice rigging and recovery with that wrecker thanks for sharing

Max King said:

Thanks for the comments.
Al, yes there might have been a chance with a 4 part line that it would have come out. They did not have a clue what it weighed, so I figured I would rig heavy and make sure she's coming out. I don't want to rig light and drag my wrecker and stand it on end and then rig again to get the job done. If I was all alone and did not have that many people watching it would be difference. Also thanks for the tip on the gravel.

I was surprised how well the tree worked for an anchor. I only put my spades down about 2 " in the gravel. My truck never wiggled.

Ed, I did not have any body try and help. We talked about it being Hydo drive but he said it had a neutral and I thought it would be ok. Maybe a little cautious about having some one on the equipment in case something goes wrong.
Ed, I was thinking how much fun it would have been with you new tator. Boom over, pick up and set in road. I still had fun.
The driver told me about a piece of equipment that they had buried once. Had a guy come out with a heavy wrecker. They had two graders on it and he singled lined it. One line broke and hit this guy in the back of the neck. He had a heavy coat on with a big hood and did not get hurt too bad. Scary!



Darryl Burrell said:

Nice work and rigging.


timjohn said:

Good job with the winch out. I like the title.

Also, I really like the pics you take. You do a good job of capturing the situation and giving guys like myself good rigging ideas.

Be safe out there


ole750 said:

Bruce I was just wonderin how or what made him put it in the ditch? But i guess the more I think about it just another brilliant operator on a piece of construction equipment.
Anyways great job way to to make use of the sorroundings.



recoveryengineer said:

Bruce...anymore the machine weight is always on a tag on the machine "somewhere". Just not always easy to find. If I have lines laying on the ground I lay blocks underneath for them to ride on. The rocks are tough on the cable. Looks like a really good job. Money in the bank!


Max King said:

Travis, it was suppose to rain hard that night so he said he was trying to pack down the edge so it wouldn't wash away and got a little too close.
These are the mistakes that we all count on somebody making.





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