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Not a salvage but this is what the rest of us do!!!


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Topic Originally Created on Tow411 in May of 2011:


After 2 weeks trying to get permits, carted this Tauranga to Auckland on Sat night to fit with motorway closure
130T total train weight, beam 78.6T, total train length 45.2m, beam length 28.0m
5 hrs for 220km, a sigh of relief all round when we got there, was first serious workout for "JINKA", handled it well








netowman said:

That rear tractor is wild!!! can we get more pics of it? nice move.


meggala said:

the poor bugger driving the jinker would of had a stiff neck.
great move btw
trucks are looking great


newtotow said:

super set up there


mushspeed said:

That's some cool chop job on the back Western Star !!!
What sort of engine is in there?
Thanks for sharing


Rowes said:

On old Western Star logger, fitted with Hino turbo 300HP, 13sp Road Ranger, original diffs. Cab all built inhouse, has all the toys, aircon etc
Only problem is stones etc chucked up from front trailer, a set of mudflaps will solve this although haven't struck a wet weather job yet, that may be a different story!!!!


HEFFY004 said:

That's really a neat set-up. I am sure that U keep busy with it.


WheelLiftWarrior said:

Lol I love this down under board...more cool things to look at....keep the pics coming


Note: There were numerous other replies that were not copied over to the new board.

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