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Tow truck companies come together to pay tribute


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Watch: Colleagues give a touching farewell at funeral of tow truck driver


STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. -- As Frankie Molfetta finished burying his father, he was almost immediately blinded by a bright ray of sunshine.

Molfetta says that was his father.

Francis Molfetta Sr., known as Frank, like a ray of sunshine lit up every room he entered, his family said. If something was wrong, he was able to make you forget about whatever was going on.

Molfetta left an impact and a smile on everyone he came across. After more than 35 years as a tow truck operator, he left a lasting impression on his colleagues on Staten Island.

Multiple tow trucks lined up as they formed a make-shift motorcade to escort one of their own to his final resting place last Saturday.

Tow truck drivers raced ahead of the procession to temporarily block intersections as they drove along Victory Boulevard. The large motorcade was made up of over 30 trucks and cars.

Although many towing companies may be essentially competing for business on Staten Island, the companies came together to honor Molfetta and his impeccable service to the industry.

Molfetta passed away at the age of 54 after a short battle with cancer. Those close to Molfetta say he was working until the end.

His son, Frankie Molfetta Jr., said that the owners of Breen Brothers Towing don’t want to use his father’s rig anymore -- to remember his legacy.

“My father was someone that everyone liked, Molfetta Jr. said. “He always said that everything is going to be alright. When I was feeling sad after the burial and that ray of sunshine hit my face, I knew it was my father and I knew everything was going to be alright.”

Molfetta Jr. says that his father helped him and was the inspiration for his own company, River Quality Contracting. At the age of just 24, Molfetta Jr. was ready to close the doors to his business after the death of his father, but when he saw the love and support he received from family, he realized his father would tell him to keep going.


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