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The number of these drive by shootings are going through the roof. We are averaging 1 every day now and it does not matter if it is light or dark out. What was one only common in the over night hours is now happening in broad daylight with witnesses. Use caution when transporting these vehicles as they may be targeted in transport.

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For about 5 months now, there is a shots fired call about twice a week downtown here in the same 8-10 block radius. Cops show up, usually find a few casings in the street and thats about the extent of it. Every now and again, a parked car gets hit and one instance a house was hit. Luckily no one has been shot as of yet. but for some reason, the P.D. cant seem to find these people. Its almost like clock work how frequent it occurs. 


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You all know that California has stupid laws that effect tow truck companies and their business operations. As it relates to bullet holes, try this one:


California Vehicle Code, Section 10653, says, “Whenever any vehicle of a type subject to registration under this code which shows evidence of having been struck by a bullet is stored in a garage or repair shop, the keeper thereof shall within 24-hours after receiving the vehicle report such fact to the sheriff's office of the county or police department of the city wherein the garage or repair shop is located, giving the motor or other number of the vehicle, the license number if ascertainable, and the name and address of the person storing the same or the name and address of the owner shown by the registration card, if the same is attached to the vehicle in a clearly discernible place.”


It’s kind’a funny and something that’s not known. The section isn't specific to tow trucks, but garages and repair shops. Yet, when insurance is referred to as, "Garage Keeper's", do tow companies fall into that category? I can't answer that one as no-one can define it for me. I’m sure some of you have seen plenty of bullet holes, but how many of you have reported to LE and do they even care anymore?     R.

Randall C. Resch

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In Texas, garage keeper's insurance is required by the state for your storage facility; dunno about other states of course.


That's nutty about California and the bullet holes.  Sort of like how a doctor is supposed to notify the police for gunshot victims coming for medical attention...it's the (likely often correct) presumption of criminal activity.



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