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From TowTimes.com - A Day in the Life of a Dispatcher


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from the Blog of Geri Roskopf:


I received this in an email from a fellow tow lady and I had to chuckle. Those of you who are dispatchers will certainly know where we’re coming from. No disrespect to the agent from the motor club – we’ve all been there, and you can’t make this stuff up.


Motor club:  Hi, this is ____ from (motor club), can you help me with a tow from a repair shop to Hwy 1?


Me: What is the address on Hwy 1?


Motor club: It says US Hwy 1.


Me: To quote the call, I will need to know the address where the vehicle is to be taken.


Motor club: Well, she said she wanted it taken home.

(Keep in mind that at this time I do not know the name of my customer. Therefore, I have no idea where she lives. Maybe I knew her.)


Me: Is there anything else in the notes that may help? (There is about 10 miles of highway where the vehicle could go.)


Motor club: No, just says Hwy 1. I will call the customer and call you back.


Me: Can you put us on a three-way conference?

I start talking to the customer, who tells me where she lives and that it does not come up on Google maps. No problem, I knew where she was. We are chatting and the customer tells me she thinks the agent hung up.


Me: Ok, I will have to wait until she calls me back.

A few minutes later, the agent from the motor club calls back.


Motor club: Did you get the information you needed?


Me: Yes, the amount is $XX.


Motor Club: Did you tell her that?


Me: No, I will need a credit card from you.


Motor Club: Well, I’m not paying it. She has roadside to cover that.


Me: What?


Motor club: She has insurance to pay that. I am not paying that.


Me: I am talking to the motor club, correct? You work for a motor club?


Motor club: Yes.


Me: You are the company that the insurance has to contact for a tow. You need to pass this to your supervisor for approval. Have a nice day.


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