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LED custom strobing


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Not sure if this is the right place for this, But I'm wondering if anyone has any knowledge when it comes to making custom flash patterns for lights that don't have integrated strobe controllers.

Currently I have 68 total lights run up and down my rollback bed and up and down the headache rack, I provided a video of what i currently have them setup to do, the video is old and since I have added the before mentioned headache rack lights. My bed lights currently run with my running lights and headlights, and when my running lights are on if I turn my strobe light switch on it will override my running lights for the bed only and my bed lights will instead flash in the pattern you see in the video controlled by a basic strobe module.


Since then I have seen the video of the detroit wrecker devastator where there is very clearly some sort of custom strobe feature that I would be unable to replicate with a out of the box strobe module, I am curious if anyone knows how they create such patterns?

My theory is they use some sort of custom controller programmed on something like an arduino and somehow control it from that but does anyone have any insight into that? below I will also link the devastator video. 



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11 hours ago, TowZone said:

This is the right place, let's see if we can get @Brian Bell or @Detroit Wrecker in here. I know for sure the two of them have worked with these before. There are other as well and I will tag them when I recall who they are...

Awesome, I am really more curious than anything, I've been working on different light setups for a while not trying to learn new things, I like learning some more custom lighting setups. I thought about it last night and I was wondering if maybe an arduino and a 12v relay bank might work, I've ordered in both of those to test out some theories but I would be interested in how Detroit wrecker sales pulled off that devastator, It is amazing looking. 

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  • 5 weeks later...

The pattern is selectable from the controller. 2 options we use are Soundoff Signal & Feniex...Feniex was the controller used in the video above on ours. The trick is you have to run multiple power wires to each light. So we use 2 wire or 4 wire to feed them, thus creating more channels for the module to use. Big pain in the butt to wire but looks super cool for sure! We sell both modules and can help explain or get tech help if need when purchased through us.  313-835-8700 for more questions ask for Mike. 


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