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Laws of Physics Proven In A Swift Manner...

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The Laws of physics says that two objects cannot occupy the same space at the same time which was very apparent on this accident scene...






Simple case of the truck operator didn't see the car coming in the other direction. The new Acura stuffed itself pretty good under the Cascadia to where it ruptured the oil pan and cooler pack. Due to the size of the mess and vehicles tracking it around, we brought in our power sweeper to clean the highway. It makes short order of a 18 or 20 bag spill....





Our Fire guys are great and always help us on clean ups if necessary...




Once the bulk was detained, I pulled the unit through the intersection to open the highway and allow proper cleaning. Once out of the road, I pulled the shaft while my guys cleaned up the fluids.







To add some drama...a guy in a van going through our road detour starts having chest pains so another ambulance to take care of his issues...





I delivered the trailer to the distribution center where it was going so to not hold up their load. I wouldn't typically do this but have done numerous accidents for this company and knew we wouldn't have difficulties getting paid. They appreciated the courtesy. Once dropped in their lot, the truck was brought back to our facility for securment.  We will deliver it to their terminal about 100 miles away on Monday.  The new Acura was destroyed...




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