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What's the rate for Towing rv's?

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Ok guys I get calls from time to time about RV needing towing and I always usually turn them down because the wheel grids for my underlift weight about 150lb each and most RV's don't have full chassis so I can't use forks. Well a couple days ago Road America calls needing a RV towed and I told them I didn't have time about a hour later they call back and say they still need a tow so I ask where is it and where is it going. It was about 15 miles from me and loaded miles another 61miles away so just under 80 miles from drop off back home. Again I don't do many RV's so I'm thinking I'll just give them a I don't want to do it price and they will leave me alone. Keep in mind it's a M/C , I tell them $1250.00 and she says one moment while I generate a cc I say it's 4% fee to use a cc she says no problem any other fees. I'm thinking damn I must have done this too cheap? O it was about 5pm also if that matters. It was about 43' long So how should I charge for rv's was this to cheap or did Road America have no other options ? Any advice is appreciated. 1a09f7f070751421f704de9af4b6c272.jpg


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I'd say take the money
I got paid that's what I charged they gave me a CC before I ever took the job. I'm asking for advice about what to charge for RV's . I don't tow many I always turn them down. How do you'll charge for RV's do you'll charge the same as a truck and trailer or? I just felt that the motor club was to happy so I felt I under charged them. Any advice is greatly appreciated.

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We don't tow many RV's. It is always at my choice, too many things to go wrong ($$) and about 2 times the hourly rate. Just a risk, reward thing with me, the more risk the more reward.

George - - Moore's BP
We'll see you on down the road

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