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Why do tow trucks get to do this?


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Company owner calls for end to ‘first-on-scene’ towing, July 25


Since when did a motorists’s private property become the property of a tow truck operator immediately after a collision?


If I am involved in an accident, I still own my vehicle.


A tow truck or anyone else should not be able to touch my vehicle without my permission.


My car is still my personal property, and I, and no one else, should determine who can tow that property and where my car is towed to.


If I replace my broken kitchen sink, can any plumber who arrives at my house first come into my house and replace my sink without my consent?


Never mind government intervention in this, what happened to consumer choice in who touches my personal property?

I just don’t get it.



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1 hour ago, TowNews said:

If I replace my broken kitchen sink, can any plumber who arrives at my house first come into my house and replace my sink without my consent?

Your analogy is fine until you add "Reason & Accountability" to it... Your sink breaks, it's on your property and only affects you right? You crash your car, in the roadway, now you are affecting me and every other motorist trying to use the same piece of highway. At that point it's a "Lack of use of" situation and actually constitutes "Property Damage" to the owner of the property - most likely the town or state municipality. That's where policy & procedures kick in to make the decision for you...typically based on speed of removal or other criteria... If you crash in your own property, by all means call a plumber or anyone else to tow your car that you want.... 

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A motorist generally has no right of choice when public safety is the key factor. Police officers on-scene of a two vehicle accident shouldn't await the arrival of a casual auto club response when opening an intersection or traffic lanes using a rotation company. As Mr. Ed said, the municipatlity will make the decision for you as a means to clear the roadway faster, or to eliminate wreck-chasing.      R.

Randall C. Resch

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Our officers when possible generally give the vehicle owner an option to call their own tow prior to calling dispatch for a tow themselves. Each situation is different as is the amount of time they will wait for a private tow. Most have learned to find out who the private tow is and then request an arrival time. This has eliminated the we didn't have an option responses, as they were given the option with a time limit on getting the vehicle towed. Since many of those result in excessive wait times the officer calls for a tow as soon as possible. No Wreck Chasing Here, No Waiting at the Scene for a tow opportunity. The officers don't allow it even though it does greatly reduce the amount to time they spend on scene. The problem is much deeper and I will not go into it here as most of you know well why these types of tow trucks do this.

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