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A Tow Operator Says Shut It Down!


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Sadly this is not a united industry, you couldn't even get near 100% of the industry to shut down for an hour across the nation. Pull to the side and turn their lights on, get National News. Show up in front of the Court Houses, Mayors and Governors Offices. Yeah, even pushing other protestors out of the way for an hour. It could happen but it won't and another Tower Down message will go out before the month is out.


Now I know many of you are shaking your heads. Now think about all the tow operators who are not just sick and tire of seeing these tower down messages. Our Brothers are being Murdered by distracted drivers and the numbers are not declining. Slow Down Move Over Laws are No Better than Seat Belt Laws. Kinda like the Mayor of Chicago who says if the President wants to help in Chicago, don't send in forces. Implement Stronger Gun Regulation. WOW, think about it.


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I like Michael's energy and attempt to get some kind of solidatiry going, but there's too much lack of industry concern. Towers won't come together for the slightest bit of standardization or professionalism. Towers are our industry's own worst enemy. The lack of involvement is nothing less than pathetic. Great idea ... it'll NEVER happen.    R.

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Randall C. Resch

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Although Tow Zone and Mr. Resch's statements towards the industry are harsh, It is all TRUTH.. 

I would be a very willing participant in an Industry wide shut down for recognition and I know a good many of the Operators on this forum would be as well, We are the minority.. Theres just too many out there that could really care less. 

I remind myself almost daily that not all in this industry have the same sense of pride and passion for what we do that I and many other professionals have.

Its sad really... 


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We couldn't as an industry get enough support from towers nationwide to even make something like this happen for an hour or two during rush hours. Heck you couldn't even make it happen at midnight when the media would show up. I do agee it would gain more national attention then anything else that has been tried. Maybe one day when the number of our brothers continuing to be killed/murdered reaches every medium to large tow company something will be organized. Wait it has effected a mass number of companies.


I know these topic are being viewed, so if your watching who, when and where was your driver tragically taken?

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