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Witch is better Ford V10 or diesel engine in a flatbed wrecker

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I'm thinking of retiring my 98 C6500 roll back because of non-stop repairs, I'm wondering if going with a Ford V10 gas motor but wanted to see if anyone on here could shed some light if that is a good motor or should I stick with a diesel motor.

Edited by Glock4life
forgot to include some info
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Better? That is a difficult question to answer. V-10's only longer term issue that I am aware of has been broken cam shafts is some, but I would guess that threat issue has been addressed. V-10 is going to use some more fuel and have a little less torque, cheaper maintenance, shorter service life, and can be replaced  easily and cheaply if/when needed. Gassers will have lower resale value. - Diesel will have a longer service life (in general), more torque, better fuel economy (though diesel is currently higher priced than gasoline, so maybe not much advantage there), and higher resale. Depends on what you want or need out of the truck ... there are still so many variables.


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Thats a tough question to answer really. Theres so many variables to digest when deciding between gas or diesel power trains. I am not a ford guy anymore. (i was back in the mid-late 90's. Long live the IH 7.3L !! )  and I am a diesel guy So I am very biased against that V10 engine. The ones i have been around have been nothing but gas guzzling turds that have no real power and break down constantly. Some things to consider are How hard and how often you run the truck, type of hauling you do, Your level of ability to perform maintenance and repairs on each type of engine, ( warranties dont last forever, if any at all ). In my opinion, there is no comparison when it comes to torque, power and reliability from a diesel engine. And yes, the initial cost of buying a gas powered truck is lower than a diesel But it all comes out in the wash as the truck ages, gulps gas by the gallons and begins to have issues. 

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