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AAA urges motorists to “Slow Down, Move Over” (NC)


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AAA urges motorists to “Slow Down, Move Over” following recent crashes involving tow truck operators in the Carolinas


CHARLOTTE, N.C. (WNCT) – Following recent crashes involving tow truck operators in the area, AAA Carolinas of The Auto Club Group is urging motorists to “Slow Down, Move Over” to help protect emergency workers and law enforcement who are providing assistance to those in need on the roadside.

“Our roadside assistance crews, law enforcement and other emergency personnel risk their lives every day when they pull over alongside moving traffic to help someone in need and we must to do our part to protect them,” said George Figueiredo, Vice President of Member Services of The Auto Club Group in the Carolinas.  “Most people aren’t aware that the towing industry is 15 more times deadlier than all other private industries combined and we need to slow down and move over because it’s not only the right thing to do – it’s the law.”


The Move Over law requires motorists – if it is safe to do so – move a lane over for emergency vehicles, utility workers and law enforcement stopped alongside the road.

While all fifty states have Move Over laws, fewer than 30 percent of Americans are aware that the laws exist, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).

To protect roadside workers and improve highway safety, AAA offers these precautionary tips:

  • Always remain alert. Avoid distractions and focus on the task of driving.
  • Maintain a visual lead of everything going on 20 to 30 seconds ahead of you. This gives you time to see problems ahead and change lanes and adjust speed accordingly.
  • Emergencies can occur anywhere on the road. When you see flashing lights, slow down, and prepare well in advance to change lanes. Allow others to merge into your lane when necessary.
  • Don’t follow semi-trucks or other large vehicles too closely.  If a truck moves into a left-hand lane, don’t speed around the right side. They are changing lanes for a reason; be prepared to change lanes yourself.
  • When road conditions are slick, don’t make sudden lane changes which can cause an uncontrollable skid. Change lanes early and move over gradually.
  • If you are unable to move over, slow down to a safe speed taking into consideration that you are approaching a workspace where pedestrians are present.
  • https://www.wnct.com/news/north-carolina/aaa-urges-motorists-to-slow-down-move-over-following-recent-crashes-involving-tow-truck-operators-in-the-carolinas/
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